Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Page 10
Aurian cleared his throat. “I can understand your anger and disappointment, and I am pleased that it is directed at me and not our parents. On behalf of our family, I have to apologize for the welcome you have received. And what Alandra has done to you was…uncalled for.”
I swung around ready to take him on again. “Uncalled for, my ass!”
Aurian held up his hand as Raighne moved in my direction. “I am not finished yet. Alandra will be dealt with. As for our parents and myself not coming to bid you welcome, we have our reasons, Alchera. Our parents are a full four days travel away from this camp, and it would place you in harms’ way should they come here. Adeth would definitely know that you returned. As for me, we would have met in due course. I know that is not the answer you seek, but for now you have to believe that we were all doing what was best for you.”
I was practically breathing fire, as I tried with all my might not to cry again. Standing with my legs slightly apart and my hands curled in tight fists, I glanced at the area surrounding us and noticed that only two other people were standing anywhere near us. We were in a clearing of some sorts, surrounded by high trees.
Aurian moved towards me and my eyes immediately focused on him. Halting right in front of me, he took my chin in his hand and lifted my face up to his.
Smiling, his gaze moved to my neck. “Now let us see how badly you have been hurt.” Aurian’s touch was gentle while he inspected my wounds.
He spoke, “You need to go to the healers. That cut is quite deep and will need some tending to. Your shoulder might be dislocated and I cannot tell if any of your ribs are cracked. Have yourself taken care of and report back to me tomorrow morning at dawn.”
“Excuse me?” I snarled.
“I will train you myself. Do not keep me waiting.” With that final command, Aurian turned and walked towards the two people waiting in the distance.
I smelled Raighne before I felt him. Turning my head, I noted his hand was an inch from my neck; his stark eyes burned into my skin. I lifted my chin, wanting desperately to show him how brave I could be.
“At least I got a new trainer out of it.” I made a move to pass Raighne on his left, but his arm shot out and I walked right into it. Raighne’s hand folded around my healthy shoulder, as he took the two steps needed to bring us together. I turned my head away and watched Aurian and the other two practicing on the far end of the field.
Resting his forehead against mine, Raighne spoke in a voice infused with sadness, “I ask your forgiveness for not being there when you needed me.” His words caressed my cheek and sent shock waves through my body. “Nothing I say can make my absence acceptable.”
I had to swallow my passion before I could even attempt to speak. “You worry too much. I’m sure you had a very good reason for not being there.” My lips grazed his strong jaw. I could taste his freshness on my lips, and they parted by themselves, as I took those familiar ragged breaths.
Raighne shook his head; his voice was quiet, soft, and filled with emotion. “I should have been there. I was called to a meeting concerning your destiny, attended by my brothers and Elora. The minute I felt your pain I tried my best to get back to you quickly.”
Well, Sid…stick a fork in it - because I am done.
My hands reached up and stroked the muscular curve of his neck. His lips grazed the corner of my mouth so softly that I was left wondering if it had simply been a figment of my imagination. But when Raighne pulled me into the safety of his arms and pressed his lips against my wounded neck, time stopped.
His eyes bore into mine. “We should not be doing this.” His attempt to stop whatever was happening between us was useless.
“Hmm…” My words were lost.
“It will only place you in peril.” His fingers trailed over my cheek and jaw.
I ignored the warning and moved closer, leaving a hair’s breadth of space between us. Sliding his hand through my hair, Raighne gripped the back of my head and took my mouth so fiercely, that he literally brought me to a place of passion I never knew existed.
“Uh-hum…cough-pretend-cough,” a voice spoke next to us.
I tried to pull back and put some distance between Raighne and myself, but he would have none of that.
Raighne simply turned, sighed, and smiled at the intruder. “Peace be, River. It is always such a good day when I meet up with you.” There was laughter in Raighne’s voice; he was clearly happy seeing this River, guy. Too bad I wanted to hang him up by his leather-clad ankles.
“Peace be, my friend. It has been a while since we have been in each other’s company. Who is this that you are treating so…hmmm?” He lifted an amused eyebrow.
I was covered in bruises and dried blood and had just been caught making out with Raighne. Lovely! With my luck this guy was the ‘overlord’ of the whole Vaalbara kingdom.
Sid, how about you stay and play genteel princess while I make a run for it? There is just no way in hell I’m going to survive much longer through all this proper talking and ‘Peace be’ crap.
“This is my Alchera.”
My eyes shot daggers at Raighne. I would’ve liked to have been at least consulted before he announced to the world that I was his property. I had fought way too hard in life to become who I was to just hand myself over to someone - no matter how much I secretly wanted to.
Raighne frowned at my look. “I mean it in the way a guardian would refer to his charge.” Taking his arm from my waist, he gracefully put some distance between us.
He’d just done it again. Raighne had responded to my thoughts How did he do that?
“Peace be, Princess. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
I had to respond to this River, guy, but I was too busy meeting Raighne’s frown with my own.
“You are being rude, Alchera.” Raighne’s impersonal tone slammed me in the gut.
I turned from Raighne’s cool expression and focused on the newest ’character’ being thrown at me. “Hi,” I groaned. “Sorry. Peace be, River. Call me Aislinn.” I was so deep in thought I didn’t realize I gave him the wrong name.
“I beg your pardon?”
“She meant to say Alchera,” Raighne corrected. “She is still adjusting.”
A feeling of pure exhaustion settled over me. “I need to be somewhere else right now.” With one last nod, I walked away as fast as I could.
The problem in being on a new planet was that you had no idea where anything was. You didn’t have a clue where to go, and ended up walking aimlessly through picturesque fields and woods that all looked alike.
Oh, Sid, I’m so in need of GPS right now!
Eventually I found a path and followed it for what felt like an hour. My body was aching something terrible by then. As I rounded a bend in the forest I walked directly into Fleur. I was so happy to see her that I didn’t notice how her face completely drained of color.
She looked me up and down. “By Awo! What happened to you?”
“You were there,” I answered.
“Alandra did all that?” Fleur’s ashen face turned even whiter.
“What’d you think we were doing out there on the field? Dancing?”
Fleur’s face was a mask of confusion, as she tried to process what she’d seen. “I have disappointed you.”
I shook my head. These Vaalbara people were certainly guilt-ridden souls. “You didn’t do anything. It’s all on me. I should’ve fought harder.” Hooking my arm through hers, I leaned into her for support. “Please take me to the healers before I pass out.”
“Of course. Come!” Placing her arm around me, she tried her best to hurry. I started to get the feeling that if she could, Fleur would’ve picked me up and carried me all the way.
Raighne and River’s familiar voices echoed behind us. Fleur’s head whipped around, slapping me with her pigtails.
“Damn, Fleur. I’m in enough pain as it is.”
The smile that appeared on Fleur’s face grew wide,
and no matter how hard she tried to look nonchalant, a person would have to be blind not to see that Fleur had a desperate crush on ole’ River.
Looks like love, Sid. She didn’t even yell at me for swearing.
I groaned as they walked closer. I, for one, had enough of men for the day. I looked at Fleur. “You stay and wait for them while I make a run for it.”
I tried to pick up my pace, but my feet suddenly flew off the ground. The pain was excruciating; I didn’t know whether to scream or cry.
“Be calm, Alchera. We are almost there.” Raighne’s voice didn’t have the calming effect it usually had. I tried to fling myself from his arms and pushed weakly against his chest, but it was useless. I was already bordering on hysterics.
Heat flooded my body. The ’magic’ treatment seemed to be coming from Raighne’s skin, as his power and warmth flowed through my veins. I didn’t want him close to me right now, but he felt so good. The warmth was lessening the pain and, in that moment, my exhausted mind lost the battle and I fainted dead away in his arms.
I woke up to an awful sharp pain shooting through my arm into my back and I shot up into a sitting position, as if I was an arrow released from a bow. A pair of strong arms took hold of me and pushed me down whispering comforting words to me.
“Peace be, my Princess. All will be well shortly. We need to tend to your injuries, but it will not take long. Please lie still.” The voice was neutral and calm, as a healer’s should be.
My feverish eyes rested on him. Lean in build, his face was paper thin, and dark, exhausted rings were visible under his weary eyes.
“Princess, does it hurt when I touch here?” His fingers pressed into my ribs and it hurt like hell.
Acting on impulse, I shoved him away - pain was shooting through my chest and side. “You bloody ass, of course it hurts!” Stumbling off the bed, I tried to take a few steps away from the ‘demon healer from hell.’
Raighne came bursting through door, but his menacing eyes settled on me. “You cannot speak to the Healer in that manner!”
Me? I hit the reverse button. Unfortunately, I was now backed against the wall, and I was going to have to face the wrath of Raighne in my underwear with the Healer watching the whole show. Sid might as well sell tickets and popcorn to the most embarrassing event of my life. I suddenly had to fight through a fit of giggles.
Oh, yeah. Sid? You there? I have finally lost what was left of my mind.
Raighne slammed his hand against the wall. “You are becoming unbearable!” Although he was practically hissing his words at me, it felt like I was stuck in the most ridiculous scene ever shot.
He slapped himself on the forehead. “You speak with total disrespect to your brother who, in fact, will be crowned the next King at the celebration given when you return with The Chosen Ones. You insult a Healer who is only trying to help you. You cuss? You giggle? By Awo, Alchera! I do not know how I am going to make a princess out of you.”
I glanced at the Healer and was surprised to see him shaking his head at Raighne.
“Now you have nothing to say!”
My humor turned to anger at the volume of Raighne’s voice. I refused to ever let him get the best of me again. “I’ve got plenty to say. But, so help me Awo - what I have to say would only embarrass your prim and proper ways…Your Highness, sir.” Not remembering my wounds, I shoved passed him, and had to grab the nearest bed for support when the pain shot through my back.
“Princess! Come back. I need to help you.” The Healer’s gentle hands supported me and led me back to the bed.
I felt dizzy from the fever and pain. “Do it…quick. Whatever you…have to do - do it…quick. I want to…get the hell out… of here.”
“It will hurt a great deal if done fast”
I clenched my teeth. “Fine. What doesn’t…kill me…will make me…stronger.” My voice was raspy and weak in my ears. “Begin.”
Placing a piece a wood between my teeth, the Healer then gripped my shoulder. I didn’t expect the flash of scalding pain, and I bit down so hard on the wood that it splintered in my mouth. I thrashed in the Healer’s firm grip.
Raighne was by my side in a flash and I spat the pieces of wood in his concerned face. “Get…away…from…me!”
The Healer bandaged my shoulder, and immediately tended to the cut on my throat that’d begun to bleed again. Stitching the wound, I began seeing red and white dots shooting in front of my eyes. Whatever he’d given me for the pain was not strong enough to knock me out - only enough to make me delirious.
“I want to…go home.” I grabbed the Healer’s hand. “Please…?” I began to sob like a baby, as he pulled his hand free to bandage my bruised arm and ribs. “No one…wants me,” I continued, trying to get the Healer to understand. “I can‘t be this person!” The feelings of hopelessness and despair were overwhelming me when I barely heard the Healer’s soothing voice through the fog.
“May I say something, Raighne?”
“Your words of wisdom are always welcomed, Healer.”
“I know it is not my place to speak, but the Princess is a young, young woman. She has been raised as a human and taught to live in their world. She is not trying to upset you, Raighne. The lady is simply trying to find a place where she fits in - and both the worlds she’s seen have rejected her thus far. Perhaps we should not enforce our own ways on her too fast. Perhaps keeping her own individuality is the will of Awo where she is concerned.” Silence followed his words as the blissful darkness took me away.
I again opened one eye first and saw River walking slightly ahead of me. River was quite tall. With his dark blond hair and good build he was highly attractive. I could understand why Fleur had the ‘hots’ for him - any girl with working hormones would.
“Who are you, River?” My mouth was dry and my voice still sounded hoarse.
“River is a guardian. Well, he is one of Aurian’s guardians. I am so glad to see you are with us again.” Fleur’s chirpy voice answered the question.
“If Aurian’s the best trainer here, why would he need a guardian?”
River issued a small, modest laugh but it was Fleur who answered again.
“There is no one faster than River. He has the best hearing, too.” A light blush rose in her cheeks, as Fleur’s voice took on a tone of worship when she spoke about the mighty River.
“You should not be talking so much. The cut on your throat might start to bleed again.” Raighne’s chilly voice made every hair on my body stand on end.
I was actually trying to avoid acknowledging his presence by making small talk with the others. “I can walk. Put me down.” My words were as clipped and cold as his. Like everyone else here, however, Raighne just kept on walking, ignoring me completely. “Raighne!” I screamed. “I said put me down!” My command brought him to a sudden stop.
Shoving as hard as I could against him with my good arm, he dropped me at once. The sudden landing sent more ripples of pain through my body, but I forced myself to my feet and stumbled forward.
Glancing behind me, I saw three stunned faces staring back. I had to admit I didn’t care anymore. I wanted to be alone. I stumbled to my tent and dropped on my bed like a ton of bricks.
First thing tomorrow, I’d find my way to that waterfall and get my butt back to Earth. I was finished with this place and these people.
Seriously, Sid. Who the hell did they think they were to treat me like this and order me around, yet do nothing to make me feel at home? I’m supposed to be one of them!
“Alchera, we need to talk. We have both said things we regret and you have had a very exhausting day—”
I cut him off. “Raighne, just leave me alone. I don’t have any strength left to hear more of your insults.”
His footsteps stopped right beside the bed. In my exhausted state something else came to mind.
“Alchera, please understand…”
“I’ve seen this,” I whispered. “T
his conversation…me lying here… I’ve seen all this before.” My voice sounded distant in my own ears, as I pushed myself off the bed.
“A vision? When?”
“That day in school when I said I had a daydream. I didn’t understand them then.”
“Them? There are more?” Raighne sat down on the bed behind me.
“Yes.” I scooted away and took a seat in the dark corner.
“I apologize for what I said to you earlier. I was upset that you had reacted so defensively when I had introduced you to River.” He moved out of the shadows into the middle of the room. “My behavior was uncalled for and, for that, I apologize, Alchera. I should not have allowed for things to have progressed as far as they have between us, and will keep myself in check from now on.” He took a deep breath and then sat down next to me.
I couldn’t keep the sadness from my voice and brought my knees slowly up to my chest. Every movement I made still ached like hell. “I suppose it takes two to tango.”
Well Sid, maybe Raighne has a point. I should control my feelings better. After all, being an emotional teenager isn’t going to win anyone’s respect around here.
“I do not know if you heard what the Healer said, but he was right.” Raighne leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “I failed you as a guardian and as a friend today and—”
“It’s over.” I didn’t want to talk about it. All I wanted was to go to sleep and get on with the rest of whatever was in store for me.
“Please, do not be negative.”
I frowned at him. “You keep doing that – as if you are reading my thoughts.”
He offered a smile that looked like the old Ryan had returned. “For all you know I am seeing into your mind. But the only way to know for sure is to wait until the training starts.” His face turned serious. “We need to talk about more pressing matters. Tell me about your other visions.”