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Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Page 15

  “I have decided that I believe you,” Adeth stated. “I know that a Princess of your caliber would never be able to withstand this kind of pain. You will therefore remain here until your visions of The Chosen Ones begin - which should be very soon. You will then tell me and everyone will be happy.” She seemed so pleased with herself it was bloodcurdling.

  I would just have to hide the visions from her. Raighne would eventually come for me, and then everything would be fine again. I would just keep telling myself that and, hopefully, I would start believing it soon.

  The hours turned into days, and each day was longer than the one before. Every passing hour felt like the worst day of my life. My wounds were infected and I had a raging fever that blessed me with killer headaches.

  Adeth would make her appearances, with her plate of mushy crap that tasted exactly like that, crap! And she always brought me half a glass of water - just enough to keep me alive. She would ask about my night’s rest, as if she really cared. She would hint about the visions and then shimmer off to hell, or wherever it was she came from.

  Then Carter would make his daily appearance. His visits filled me with utter revulsion and dread. Every other day he would torture me in a brand new way. I was sure most of my ribs were broken by now, and my right arm had been wrecked from trying to protect myself. Eventually I couldn’t move. The material that used to be my clothes stuck to my bloody flesh, and I smelled like death. Even Adeth began keeping her distance from the horrific scent. One plus, at least.

  Raighne had not spoken to me since the last time. I was starting to give up all hope of ever being found. I was drawing a wobbly cross in the dirt with my left hand, representing my precious waterfalls. My hand rubbed against my blood-covered backpack…and that’s when it happened. The small brown vial Fleur had given me rolled out of the pack. I grabbed it as fast as I could and didn’t think twice before opening it and drinking it down. The contents tasted bitter and it fell on my stomach like cement. I tried to remember what she’d said when she’d given it to me. What was it supposed to do again?

  Almost immediately, my mind began to feel less groggy - more clear - and the hopeless feeling began to dissolve. A spark of life ignited inside, and then…I blacked out.


  Birds were chirping all around me. Beautiful cages, filled with colorful birds of every shape and size, decorated the room. I could hear a man talking somewhere in another language. The weird thing was I completely understood what he was saying.

  It hit me in the gut like a ton of bricks. I was having my first vision of my first Chosen One. I tried to focus on everything around me. The man was talking to someone about where he was going to put each of the birds, and which bird would be better suited with what partner. I walked closer and peeked down a passageway; little cages on either side held two birds a piece. They went crazy as I passed them. It amazed me that they could sense me, that they knew I was there, watching them.

  I could see the man. He was busy changing their water at the end of the passageway, where there were big cages, with larger groups of birds ‘chirping’ inside. I was surprised to find him alone. He seemed to be talking to only himself and his birds.

  I moved closer, until I was right beside him. The man had light gray hair with dark gray eyes; together it was quite a combination to look at. There was so much love surrounding him while he talked to his birds, I couldn’t help but want to be a part of it. His words and quiet actions made me wish that I could bottle some of that love for myself. Turning his head, he looked straight into my eyes. I knew he couldn’t see me, though I had a feeling he could sense me.

  “Jason.” His name came so easily to me it just rolled off my tongue. A simple, lovely whisper.


  And then I was back in my own private hell. I’d just registered my return when Carter appeared before me for his daily visit. My body automatically convulsed at the sight of him.

  “Today I have something very special for you. With love from Adeth, of course.” He grinned wide, as a knife and a bottle appeared in his hands. What blood I had left in my body froze. Closing my eyes, I spoke to Awo, knowing there would be worse pain to come. Carter took hold of my body and hung me upside down. I can’t explain the humiliation, the pure mortification and pain that followed.

  Between strikes and him stabbing me in my back and leg, the courage bubbled up from somewhere…

  “You’re a coward,” I spat through clenched teeth. “You have to tie me up to do this…you’re not even a real man.”

  The monster stopped. Walking away, he came back with the bottle. He didn’t waste time with the knife; he just ripped the rest of my clothes from my body. Not only had he torn me apart physically, but he’d done his best to steal my dignity, as well. From the open bottle came the strong odor of vinegar, as Carter calmly poured the contents over my wounds.

  I heard someone screamed. She was sobbing and screaming as if the Devil, himself, was setting her on fire. I only realized the voice was mine when I tasted the fresh blood. After an hour or so, I started getting used to the feeling of being on fire, so I only cried. I couldn’t scream anymore. I would never scream again.

  Carter wore his dead smile, but for the first time a hint of emotion flashed briefly in his eyes. It was…sadness? Guilt? That wasn’t possible.

  And then…he left me stunned; he reached out and said something that sounded like, “Forgive me,” right before he shimmered away.


  I kept myself sane by listening to the sounds outside. I could sometimes hear a bird sing, and a few days ago it rained. The sound of the rain was beautiful, and the clean smell was absolutely refreshing. I cried. It was so nice crying for something good for a change. Oh, damn, I was gonna’ start crying all over again just thinking about it. I was so bloody emotional these days. One second I was sad, and the next I was angry. Well, I guess I had a right to be considering the circumstances.

  My eyes were closed. I heard the bird return, singing in the distance. The wind blew softly. I could even hear the crisp leaves rolling by the shack.

  I was waiting for a visit from my odd torturer when I heard the twigs snap. I lifted my head off the floor. Were there animals close by? Carter never used the door. A cold fist took hold of my heart while I waited. A shadow passed by under the door and then returned. It stood for a second and then the door swung open.

  A man I had never seen before stood tall in the doorway. I didn’t know whether I should’ve been relieved, or petrified, but I had no time to react.

  “What have they done?” It was a mere whisper of pure horror. The man took a few giant steps, and then knelt down beside me. Picking me up as gently as he could, he walked out the door with me in my arms.

  As soon as we were clear of the shack he started running at an amazingly fast pace, and he didn’t stop until well into the night. He had the stamina of a horse, for which I was glad. The farther away I got from that hellhole, the better. When we stopped for a short while, it was so we could drink some water.

  “Who are you?” I needed to make sure this wasn’t Adeth playing a trick on me. That would break me once and for all.

  “I am Eamar, father of Raighne and guardian of King Eryon, your father. Raighne found you and sent me here. He did not want to bring more danger with his presence. We will meet up with them shortly.” He spoke with little emotion, but hearing his proclamation opened the floodgates and the tears spilled over my cheeks like a waterfall. I had never been so relieved in my life. I had been saved. I was going to live! Oh, Awo, I was going to live. Thank you, Awo…thank you.

  I tried to smile through the tears. I was way too overcome with relief and joy at the moment to make much sense. “Thank you…thank you for…coming for me.”

  The man sighed. “I just wish it could have been sooner.” Eamar’s voice was a pitch higher when he spoke, though there was still no sign of any emotion on his face. He got up and picked me up without warning, causing a whimper to slip t
hrough my lips. I regretted it immediately. I had to be strong. Weakness had no place in this world.

  I soon lost track of time and how long he’d been running, but I was relieved when we finally reached their camp. We were greeted by a voice I’d never heard before.

  ”Alchera! What have they done to her? No!” Gentle arms replaced those of Eamar’s, pulling me close into a comforting chest. I opened my eyes and looked up into the same green eyes Aurian and I had, only they were older and filled with horror. My soul came alive and I knew…knew…that I was looking into my father’s eyes.

  “Alchera…my Alchera.” He fell to his knees, holding me as tenderly as possible. “Hunt down that woman! We leave at dawn. Adeth will die for this.” He buried his face in my bloody shoulder, and all I could do was gently stroke his hair. I knew he was my father. I could feel it.

  “Dad?” I couldn’t remember ever saying that word, and had to swallow down a lump forming in my raw throat.

  “Please forgive me. I have failed you so.” He wouldn’t look at me. I struggled to lift his face to mine so I could look into his eyes.

  “No one has failed me, but me. They came when we didn’t expect them to. Please look at me.” I was wonderstruck by all the similarities I saw. He was my father and I had all the right in the world to hug him to me, which I did with great difficulty.

  “My King, we need to tend to her.” It was Aster’s soft voice I heard behind us, but I had no intention of letting go of my father - not after all these years. He got up without loosening his hold on me and walked into a tent. Taking a seat, he placed me gently on his lap while cradling me in his arms like a baby.

  It felt so good. If this is a dream, Awo, please don’t ever let me wake up.

  “You may tend to her in my arms.” He pressed soft kisses on my forehead as I tightened my grip around his neck.

  Many different fragrances filled the air in a matter of seconds. Someone washed my arms, and another my legs. I clung to my father’s clothes with my right hand, broken arm and all.

  “We will have to cut the remaining pieces of cloth out of her wounds, my King.” Aster waited for him to reply, as my heartbeat quickened its pace. The pain wasn’t over.

  “We have to,” my father whispered into my filthy hair.

  At first I felt nothing, only tugging at my dry blood and scabs. They started coming off with the leftover material and I felt little stings, but I could handle that. During the whole process someone handed us a blanket so I could cover myself up. Any movement was painful, but I kept quiet. Carter, my torturer, had taught me that; to keep quiet…to not scream.

  I leaned against my father and smiled. I still couldn’t believe that I was finally with him. It made the nightmare I had to live through easier.

  “This is going to hurt, Alchera. I wish there was another way but I have to clean the wounds.” Aster began to cry.

  “All will be well, Ima. What doesn’t kill me will make me stronger. I should be very strong by now.” I looked up at my father. “Will you ask everyone else to leave?”

  “Everyone out! Eamar, keep everyone away.” His eyes never left mine. His love filled every corner of my soul as he lightly caressed my hair. I buried my face in his neck, waiting for the pain to begin.

  When she poured the warm mixture over my back, I didn’t expect the flash of fire to burn into my wounds. My back arched by itself; a raw sound came through my lips. My father held me tightly to him while whispering words of comfort I couldn’t make out. All I could hear was a buzzing in my ears until the whimpering and wailing began.

  Aster wept as loud as my father; they were breaking my heart. I started to drift in and out of consciousness. At first I thought I was dreaming when I heard Eamar’s kind voice come from the tent’s doorway. Then Raighne appeared, only to be stopped dead in his tracks by his father.

  “You cannot enter, my son.” Eamar had to tighten his grip on Raighne when another raw moan forced its way through me. I didn’t want Raighne to be here. I didn’t want him to see me like this.

  “I cannot just stand around while she is enduring so much pain. I have to be with her!” He looked at me and staggered backward. His eyes froze in horror, as the blood drained from his face.

  “If you enter this tent now, Eryon will kill you himself.” Eamar grabbed Raighne by the shoulders, hoping to shake some sense into him. “Let them at least clean her first. You do not want to see her like this.” Raighne still didn’t respond. He stood glued to his spot; his eyes still fixed on me.

  “I should be put to death,” he whispered. Bowing his head in anguish, Raighne dropped to his knees.

  I wanted so badly to comfort him, though the pain was overwhelming.

  “No. You should be proud of yourself in this shadowed hour, son. You found her before it was too late.” Eamar placed his hand on Raighne’s head.

  “I did not find her in time, Father! Listen to her. Look at her! I should pay dearly for this. I am no guardian.” Deep lines were etched into his face.

  “My son, do not be—”

  “Listen to her, father! I am responsible for that.”

  Raighne, please stop. I had to try and calm him down, though I was beginning to feel dizzy. I wanted to finish what I had to say. You have to be… the same. Don’t let this…change you…us. I need my Raighne. I—

  The pain won.


  I woke up in my father’s arms, to the sound of his even breathing. My body still felt torn to pieces, but at least I smelled better. I didn’t dare move. Every wound throbbed, as if each had a heartbeat of its very own.

  “My precious daughter has woken up. How do you feel?” Again I was struck by the similarities between us, when looking up into the same eyes as mine.

  “I am still trying to catch the license plate of that bus that ran me over.”

  “I beg your pardon?” He frowned.

  “Sorry, that is an expression we use back on Earth. I meant to say, it feels like my body has seen better days.” I wasn’t going to tell him how much pain I was really in.

  “It will get better. And you are safe now. I am going to have to leave you with Aster and the healers today. Raighne has also been waiting to see you.” He turned his face away.

  “Why? Where are you going?” I sounded like a frightened child.

  “We are going to go hunt down Adeth. She has to account for what she has done to you. She has to die.”

  “No! You can’t. I mean…she’s not at the shack. You don’t even know where she is. Please don’t go.” I was talking as fast as I could when he carried me over to the bed. “I’ll go with you.” I knew I would just be in the way, but how was I supposed to let him go? I just got him back.

  “You need to rest in order to heal, my child. She could have killed you. I will not risk that again.” He took my face gently in his two large hands. “I love you so deeply, my daughter. I have been and will always be with you.” He kissed me on the forehead and turned to leave.

  I almost fell off the bed as I tried to stop him. My body fought me every step of the way as I dragged myself to the door - just in time to watch him mount his horse.

  “Dad, no!” My cry was hoarse and raw, and didn’t travel far. I fell to my knees as my father and a group of warriors set out on their hunt for Adeth. “Come back! Come back, please. I just got you back!” My last words came out as a desperate whisper, “She’s going to kill you.”

  “Alchera!” My name was cried out in the breeze. Lifting my tear-filled eyes, I barely made out Raighne running towards me.

  He fell on one knee and took my face gently into his hands - wiping the tears from my swollen face.

  “It’s so unfair,” I sobbed. “He left me again.”

  “You…my…Alchera…I am….” His head fell forward as if in defeat. “I should die for this.”

  Picking me up as gently as he could, Raighne took me back to bed.

  “It’s not your fault,” I whispered.

  “Look at you!
When she disappeared with you right in front of my eyes my heart stopped beating. I should have been faster! I should have found you faster! I should have…” He took a deep breath, his eyes slowly taking in the sight of me. “Oh, Awo! What did she do to you?” His voice cracked with emotion, but his eyes never left me, as if he was scared I would disappear again. “Will you ever be able to forgive me?”

  Placing my hand over his mouth to silence him, I gazed into the eyes that made me feel utterly loved. “This is no one’s fault, Raighne. I should have fought harder. I trained, after all.” I cleared my throat. “Are there any clothes here? This blanket is getting very uncomfortable.”

  Standing up, his eyes searched the room. “I do not see any.” He went to the door and called out. Speaking in hushed tones, Raighne returned quickly to my side.

  “You should lie down.”

  “I can’t.” The blanket fell a bit and exposed the whip marks on my back.

  Raighne‘s face turned gray and his violet eyes burst into flame with hatred. He grabbed hold of the bed for support, as if he was doing all he could to stop himself from marching out and brutally killing my predator.

  “How could this have been allowed?” The wood of the bed cracked under is massive grip.

  “It’s not as bad as it looks.” I didn’t believe myself, but he had to. I‘d already lost my father to a ‘hunt,’ I wasn’t about to lose Raighne, too. “Flesh heals.”

  “I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you. I promise, Alchera. I know there is nothing I can do now to make it better and there is nothing I can say to regain your trust, but I swear to Awo I will prove my worth to you.”

  “Raighne, please stop. You are not responsible for any of this. You did not do this to me!” I pulled him closer to make sure I had his full attention. As hard as it was for me, I was going to have to talk about them.