Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Page 18
“Sir, where may we find the bathroom?” Raighne sounded so calm it was starting to work on my last nerves.
“Down the hall, first door on the right.” Jason leaned against the cupboard next to the cage, his eyes followed me all the way out of the room.
The bathroom was very neat. The walls were light brown, and cream-colored towels hung from metal rods. It smelled like vanilla. I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly realized why Raighne had insisted I use the bathroom. Not only did I look like crap, I also didn’t have a potion to drink to mask my appearance from the humans. I looked the same as I did on Vaalbara - sparkling eyes, and all - although my hair had half the pond tangled in it.
I could see why Jason had stared at me in my Xena warrior outfit. I mean, I would’ve stared. I looked outright ridiculous. I quickly washed my hair in Jason’s basin, hoping he wouldn’t mind too much, and opened the bag to discover - thankfully - normal clothes. The jacket even had a hoodie. I stifled a silly laugh that bubbled up in my throat.
There was a small, brown vial in the bag, too, which I assumed was the potion to alter my appearance. This was where I hesitated. I didn’t really know if I wanted to be the ‘human’ me again. I know I didn’t want to blush again; I certainly didn’t want to stutter again. I considered throwing it down the drain, but I knew I’d really be in trouble then. Instead, I closed my eyes and swallowed the bitter contents.
I still felt normal. Well…almost. I wouldn’t have minded a few bottles of painkillers. The thought made me peek into Jason’s bathroom cabinet. I saw a box with the name Fentanyl printed on the label. That didn’t matter, but the word painkiller sure did. I took it without any hesitation, opening the box fast. They were patches. Who the hell used patches as painkillers?
Well, beggars couldn’t be choosers. I took one, and pasted it to my arm. The box was full so I took three, not enough for Jason to even notice. I was about to leave when the thought hit me. Jason was going to leave with us, so why not just take the whole box, right?
I stood there debating for a minute before shoving the whole box of Fentanyl in my bag.
When I finally made my appearance both men just stared at me.
Jason was the first to speak. “What do you want?” His voice was ice cold.
“Jason, I know this is weird and …”
“How do you know my name?” He took a step towards me, which made Raighne take a step, as well.
“It’s kind of hard to explain without sounding crazy.” I tried to smile.
“Well, why don’t we just go take a seat in the living room and then you can explain it to me clearly.” He shoved past me; there was no sign of the love that I’d seen in my visions.
We followed him. Thankfully, my pain was starting to lessen. Raighne sat down next to me. Needless to say he made my emotions go crazy.
Wasn’t I supposed to be angry that he was here? Well…I didn’t think so. My feelings for him were overwhelming, but this was neither the place nor the time to think about all that.
There was another important question racing through my mind. Was I supposed to be here? I’d said I didn’t want any part of this anymore. Yet here I sat with my heart telling me that I had to help this guy no matter the cost.
“Either one of you could start chirping away anytime soon.” He was being sarcastic again. Damn, he sounded just like me.
I looked at him and took a deep breath. “I’m going to tell you something that will freak you out. I know your name because I’ve been having visions of you.” What else was I going to say? The truth was all I had. “I know it sounds crazy…but let me finish. In my first vision you were standing in the passageway at the back of your house talking in some odd language to your birds. There were these pretty little chicks on the floor of one cage running after their mommy, and as soon as she stopped, they all piled underneath her. You walked towards me, and looked straight at me as if you sensed I was there.” I definitely had his attention.
“In the second vision you were in your kitchen. You had two big, gray birds with you. They called to you, saying: ‘Hello Jason, Hello Jason.’ One was on your shoulder and the other one was running on the floor - his big feet slapped against the tiles. It was so cute, he kept saying: ‘Come, Come’.” I was so into my story I didn’t notice the tear rolling down my cheek. “You reached out to him and he just leapt onto your arm. The love I felt in those two visions was overwhelming, Jason. It’s what makes you so special.”
I felt bad when he began to cry. I went and sat by him, taking his hand in mine.
He cleared his throat. “When I woke up this morning they were all gone. Not one bird…not one fish. My dogs - Daiga and Nikita - they’re gone. Even poor Sasha who’s dying of cancer is gone. When I got to the kitchen and I saw the cage empty. When I saw that…Clark…Lois…they’re my life.”
He pulled away and dropped his head into his hands.
“Your animals are waiting for you safely on Vaalbara.” My voice was a cautious whisper.
“Vaal…what?” He looked at me like I was really crazy.
“I’m here to…fetch you. I don’t know if you believe in any form of religion or that ‘end of the world’ thing,” I paused, letting my words sink in. “But I am here to tell you it has started already. All hell is about to break loose and you have been chosen to be saved. There is a new Earth waiting for you.” I kept my eyes on him, waiting for a response.
“It’s the end?” His voice was filled with disbelief.
“There is a new Earth?”
“My animals are there?”
And that was when he grabbed me and threw me to the floor. I didn’t even register what happened until his hands were around my throat. “You took my animals? How dare you touch my children!”
I tried to answer but I couldn’t breathe. I looked up at Jason but saw only Carter’s cruel face looking back at me. I started hitting him as hard as I could with my left hand. Then suddenly I was hitting air; Raighne had pulled him off me and I could breathe again.
I could breathe. I was safe. There was no Adeth, no Carter. Raighne was with me..
Jason was still on the floor shaking, with Raighne standing by him - waiting for battle. “I’m so…sorry. I’ve never touched a woman before. I just want them…back.”
“I gave up my father for your animals,” I whispered. My voice carried a sinister tone that sent shivers down my spine
He glanced up at me. “What?”
“I was told I could have one request and I used it to save your precious animals - knowing that my father was in danger. I didn’t know any better. I didn’t understand. I begged for your animals’ lives. Obviously my wish was granted.” I glared at him. “It was my father’s funeral today.” I didn’t think he could’ve looked more heartbroken than he already did, but I was wrong.
I couldn’t look at him anymore. I couldn’t look at the hurt I’d placed in his eyes; blaming him for something I did. I was turning into a monster! Carter had broken most of the bones in my body, but had he succeeded in breaking me? Could it be that I was going to change into a heartless demon like them?
‘Stop it, Alchera! You are nothing like Adeth and Carter. Concentrate on us, on the now, on what we are doing here.’ Hearing Raighne inside me again pulled me from my thoughts. Somehow my guard had slipped.
I got up slowly. “Your animals are safe. I know you want to see them again. You have one of two choices. You can come with us willingly or we can take you by force. You have five minutes to decide. Either way, go pack the things you wish to keep.” The words came out in a rush.
Jason looked at me for a few seconds before disappearing down the passage to his bedroom.
“Let me look at your neck.” Before I could even answer, Raighne was standing in front of me. I hated the guardians’ speed. Before you knew it they were there and you were stuck, forced to deal with their unwanted closeness.
r /> “I’m okay, it’s nothing.” I tried to squeeze by but his hand closed on my right arm, causing me to flinch. If it weren’t for that painkiller, I would’ve keeled over right now.
“I only took so long because I wanted to see if you could still handle yourself, if you still remembered your training. Clearly, you do not.” He didn’t look me in the eye as he healed my neck which was a good thing. He would’ve seen the hurt his words had caused me.
“I still remember my training.” I managed to move away from him. I needed to put some space between us. “Unfortunately I also still remember Carter and Adeth. My body hasn’t even fully healed yet. So, I’m sorry I don’t have the full strength to fight off a man twice my size.” I was tired of fighting.
“Thanks for the clothes.” I said it quickly, not wanting to hear yet another apology.
“Alandra got them.” His voice was much gentler now.
“They’re here?” I avoided eye contact.
“Yes, they are waiting outside.”
I was tempted to ask him to look at my ribs while we waited. They were starting to really hurt after my little tussle with Jason, though I decided against it. After all, a girl had to have her pride, or at least another painkiller patch real soon.
Jason came back into the living room. He’d changed his clothes and carried a big bag on his back. Taking one look at him you would’ve thought he was ready to conquer Mount Everest.
“Don’t look at me like I’m the weird one around here. I don’t know where you two are taking me, or what I'm in for, so I’d like to be prepared.”
“I didn’t say anything.” I shrugged, as I worked on erasing the ‘you must be crazy’ expression from my face.
Jason even had his own weapons; I’d never seen anyone more prepared in my life. He looked a bit like the Terminator, minus the massive muscles, of course. There was a crossbow sticking out of his backpack and a gun strapped to his chest. Oh, and let’s not forget the huge knife attached to his leg. He was more prepared than we were! Raighne was smiling broadly, clearly pleased with him. Man…I could happily wipe that smile off his face.
I caught Raighne looking at me, one of his eyebrows lifted neatly in the air. You know what that meant. I’d been projecting too loudly again.
“How could you agree with all this?” My arm was waving wildly at the scene in front of me. “Look at him.” Jason walked past me, smiling for the first time.
“You’re taking me into the unknown. Don’t complain that I want to protect myself.”
I turned to confront him, when a sharp pain shot through my head, driving me straight to my knees.
I was blinded for a few seconds, and all I could do was hold my head. I couldn’t even get a sound out because my jaw was clenched so tightly that my teeth ground against one another.
“Sarah, open your mouth for me, honey. Come on, just a little, that’s it. Just a little more, sis. You’re doing so great. Swallow now, come on, there you are. That’s my girl, down the hatch they go.” I could feel someone holding my head back so the water and pills could go down my throat. I swallowed as best I could.
He laid my pounding head in his lap for a few minutes, as if waiting for the pain to subside. He wiped the bead of sweat from my face with a nice, cool cloth.
“You’re so strong, my Sarah. You’ll beat this ugly thing yet. We’ll beat it together.” Wiping the blood from her nose…he disappeared.
I opened my eyes and felt Raighne’s familiar arms around me.
“Are you all right?” His face was a mask of worry as he wiped the blood from my face.
I shook my head lightly. “It’s not mine; the pain isn’t mine.” I tried sitting up, but he held me down.
“No. Not yet. Your nose is bleeding.”
Jason came in with some towels. “What happened?” He looked guilty, like he blamed himself for what happened.
“I had another vision. She’s in a lot of pain. Her name is—”
Raighne stopped me before I could go on. “Do not tell us about her. We do not know how far behind us Adeth may be. We need to move, she could show up at any moment.” Placing his hand over my face, he attempted to send his healing warmth into my nose; but this time, nothing happened. The bleeding didn’t stop.
I shoved him away, harder than necessary. “I told you…it’s not mine. You can’t heal something that’s not broken.” I got up and winced at the pain in my ribcage, but I could care less. I held my head back while I headed outside, and the bleeding soon subsided.
“Let’s move.” Both men just stood there staring. “Now would be good!” I disappeared around the corner, completely frustrated. Did I have to drag them along? After all, this girl named Sarah needed me. Damn, it wasn’t just about Adeth and Carter.
I walked to where Alandra and Evin were waiting, and immediately felt uncomfortable. I didn’t know what to say to Alandra. In spite of everything, it was her father who had died, as well.
I said the only thing I could think of. “Thanks for the clothes.” Hey, it was a start.
“Do not mention it.” Her voice was softer; absent was the pure hatred I’d grown so used to. Something strange was going on.
She took a step towards me and did something I don’t think I will ever understand. She hugged me. …Really.
“We missed you at the funeral,” she said, looking at the men as they approached.
“We can take my truck unless you have other transportation.” Jason seemed to be getting into the swing of things really fast.
“If you do not mind we will take you up on your generous offer,” Raighne replied.
We bundled into Jason’s double cab; it was a massive thing. Raighne’s hands settled around my waist and lifted me into the backseat. It was all I could do to maintain my poker face when the sudden movement sent a wave of pain streaking through my chest.
“Thank you.” I closed the door quickly before he could get a look at my face and any sign of pain that might be on it.
Raighne got in front with Jason and drove to the nearest gas station to fill up. When we stopped, Raighne asked if we wanted anything, as this would be our last stop for a while. Continuing my stubborn streak, I remained quiet.
Raighne came out with bags filled with sodas, water bottles, and snacks. My mouth felt so freaking dry; I could kill for something to drink.
He gave everyone a soda and started handing out the snacks. I grabbed the Coke from him, and downed it in one minute flat.
“Do you have a clue as to where we should be heading next, Alchera?” Raighne asked, offering that familiar lazy smile.
“I don’t know yet. Their voices had a funny accent. They sounded British, or something close to it. I couldn’t see anything except for the guy.” I was so frustrated with my visions and their lack of details.
“Can we just get far away from Jason’s house? We can find a place where we can stay overnight and take it from there.” I did my best to keep the fear I felt inside of me out of my voice. Resting my exhausted head against the window, my eye caught Raighne’s in the side mirror…looking worried. His eyes told me that he knew we were running out of time.
For three hours we drove without stopping. My bladder was in full protest, though I wasn’t going to be the first to say anything. I sat there hoping one of the others had a normal bladder like mine. But as the minutes ticked by it became clear I was the only one in need of a toilet.
Crossing my legs for the hundredth time, I accidentally bumped Alandra. I expected to receive a full face of hostility, but there was none. I was starting to believe that something had gone wrong with her potion. At least it was to my advantage.
“Can we please stop somewhere?” Alandra suddenly piped up.
“Do we need to?” Raighne sounded sleepy.
“Yes. My bladder is only so big, you know.” Was it a coincidence, or was Alandra actually helping me out?
“We will stop at the next gas station.”
r /> Luck was on my side for a change. As if on cue, a gas station popped up on the horizon. The relief I felt sitting on that toilet was heavenly; I could almost hear the angels sing. As I came out of my stall Alandra was busy washing her hands.
“Thank you,” I said. “You saved me.”
“Anytime.” She began to turn away, but stopped. “How are you feeling? I mean…after the thing with Adeth.” She caught me totally by surprise. I never thought she of all people would care.
“It still hurts. Especially my ribs. They actually hurt like hell.” That reminded me of those magic painkiller patches just waiting to be slapped on.
“Why not just ask Raighne to heal you?” she asked.
“I’m not in a good place with him right now,” I replied, shortly. She lifted my shirt, exposing the kaleidoscope of purple, blue, and yellow that was once my smooth skin. “It looks awful!” Her face paled. “Look, we do not know what is lying ahead. Let me get Raighne so he can heal you.”
“No! Please don’t.” I grabbed her hand. “I’m doing fine. I’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry about me, really. I’m okay.” I walked over to the basin to wash my hands.
“As long as you believe yourself I suppose I cannot help you,” Alandra stated, as she walked from the room.
Looking at my distorted reflection in the broken mirror, I could swear I heard music playing somewhere. It was a relaxing song drifting through my mind.
The beautiful voice belonged to Sarah. She stood in front of the happy crowd, finishing her song. The man from my previous vision swept her up in his arms and spun her offstage. They looked so much alike, with their blonde hair shining gold in the electric light from above.
“You were great Sarah. How’re you feeling?” He looked at her as if she was his world. No one else mattered but this girl in his arms.
“Doug, stop your worrying, would you? I’m great! You’d swear I was gonna’ drop dead any second now the way you act.” She kissed him on the cheek when she saw the fear register in his big, brown eyes. “I’m not gonna’ leave you, Doug. You’re my big brother and I love you way too much to ever leave you. Be a darling and take me home now.”