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Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Page 8

  Fear shot through my body. “No, that’s not possible! I can’t be responsible for…saving the human race. You can’t expect me to do that. Isn’t there something we can do to save Earth?” My eyes were darting from her face to Raighne’s. He lifted his head slowly to look at me, but his eyes had lost their sparkle; they were now burdened with the sadness I felt.

  Crap, this had to be a nightmare! It just had to.

  “I know it is going to be difficult but we will help you. Alandra and Raighne will be by your side through it all.”

  “How can you just stand there and tell me it’s the end of the world without at least trying to stop it?” I looked at her in disbelief.

  “The human race has brought this upon themselves.” Her voice hardened, as the heavenly light turned a bit red around the edges. “They have been warned by so many different religions - by so many visions we have sent over the centuries - yet they refused to change their sinful ways. They have ignored all the warnings. I do feel pity for them and wish there was another way, but we cannot stand in the way of Awo and Mother Nature. What must be, must be, my sister. They have destroyed their Earth by their own doing, and now they must face the consequences of those actions.”

  She placed her hand on the wall as if she needed support to stand. A light began to glow in the wall. Normally something like that would have amazed me, but I hardly noticed it now.

  Her voice was filled with anguish when she spoke, “In less than three months the seventh seal will be opened leading to the worst natural disasters Earth has ever known. Mankind has seen nothing in comparison with what is to come. There is nothing we can do but preserve the human race. You are allowed to retrieve only ten humans, and they have to be the ones from your visions. They will start a new life here…a new Earth.” She stood with her back to me; her shoulders slumped as if this truly did weigh heavily on her soul.

  “But there are so many good people. Certainly more than ten!”

  “There are many good people. I will not argue that point with you.” Elora turned her head slightly towards me. “It is not for us to question the ways of Awo.”

  “Why me?” I was not happy about the fact that I, Aislinn, who had just turned eighteen, had been handed such a responsibility. They clearly didn’t know me.

  “Awo has spoken it.”

  I definitely needed to meet with this Awo guy. He was screwing with my life and I didn’t like it one bit. “Seriously? This…Awo speaks and everyone just jumps up and does what he says?”

  “I beg your pardon?” Elora looked at me and Raighne stiffened; his hand squeezed mine so tight that it started to hurt. Okay. Apparently I’d said something wrong,

  Changing my tone, I asked her politely, “Who’s Awo?”

  “Awo is the Almighty Wise One. He is known to some as God - to some as Teacher - to others as the Past, the Present, and the Future. He is the Beginning and the End. He is every breath we take - every sunrise, every sunset. Awo has created this new Earth so that his love for mankind can never end.”

  Oh crap. Perfect! Just bloody perfect. Only something like this could happen to me. Not only have I insulted my sister, I’d managed to insult God. It was time for one of those quick silent prayers asking for forgiveness.

  “Do I get to meet Awo?” I wasn’t sure I had the guts to meet with Him, not after smart-mouthing Him.

  “You are welcome to speak to Him at any moment. You can just not see Him.”

  “What do you do? What is your destiny?” I was in desperate need to shift the spotlight away from me.

  Elora smiled. “I, my dear sister, listen to the Angels. When a seal is broken and the Angels receive their orders, I will be the one to do their bidding. I have the power to control water, wind, fire, and earth. It will be my destiny to ensure Earth’s return to dust.”

  “I’m…sorry to hear that.”

  “There is nothing to apologize for, sister. It is my destiny and I am proud to serve it. But that is enough information for now. Come, it is time to take you to camp where you can wash up and eat something. Then you should rest.” She headed out the door and left me with Raighne.

  “Elora is right. You need to get some food in you and get cleaned up.”

  He didn’t let go of my hand as we left the clinic, and it was a good thing. I didn’t know what was waiting for me outside the door. But, whatever it was, I knew there was no chance of escape.


  My eyes took some time adjusting to the sunlight, as I slowly began to focus on my surroundings. The first things I noticed were the lush fields and hills, and the different colors of the wild flowers that were swaying gently in the playful breeze. There were trees on the outskirts of, what I assumed, was the camp; high trees formed an intimidating entrance to the forest.

  Brilliantly colored birds were bathing in a small pond nearby, using smooth pebbles to clean their beaks. The camp, itself, was made up of tents nestled together in a circle, with a larger tent set in the middle.

  An enormous tree stood next to the one tent near the pond which had caught my eye. It reminded me of the oak trees back on Earth. I was so amazed by what I saw that I hardly noticed how crappy I looked with my messy hair and wrinkled clothes. It only got my attention when I noticed how many people were gawking at me like I was something the cat had just dragged in.

  Another stunning girl approached me, only this one was sexy as hell. She was so hot there was no way any of the girls back at school could’ve competed with her. The cheerleaders from hell would’ve wept. Sid’s tongue was definitely hanging out right about now, drooling his butt of.

  Thick auburn hair reached down below her shoulders, and her eyes were shiny onyx stones. Not to mention her body came straight out of a Sports Illustrated issue. And, boy, did she look scary. I bet she could teach Conan a thing or two.

  “You have finally decided to grace us with you presence.” Her sarcasm burned my ears, as she bowed low and showed off her voluptuous breasts. Not that I was staring, it’s just that you couldn’t help but notice when they were shoved in your face. I knew it must take some powerful magic that held them in her tiny leather top.

  “Alandra!” Raighne’s voice cracked like a whip between us, making me shriek from fright. “Watch yourself. You of all people should know she had no say in any of this. That comment was uncalled for.” I could only watch as he scolded her.

  “Guardian, you watch your tongue or I will sever it from your mouth.” Her face was mere inches from his. I knew I had to jump in and say something but, hell, what kind of a match was I against her?

  “Your Highness has no say over Princess Alchera.” He placed so much emphasis on her title, he might as well have sworn at her. “Please remember that my wardship over her makes me more than a mere guardian.” He towered above her. Although Raighne made no threatening movements, his words carried more authority than I ever heard him speak with.

  A man came up behind the voluptuous vixen and placed his hand on her shoulder. Her head whipped around as if to attack but, oddly, she immediately calmed down at the sight of him.

  “Alandra, this is a time we are to be happy, or at least tranquil.” He took her arm, pulling her to the back of the crowd while whispering in her ear.

  A light went on. She was my other sister! She was the one who was supposed to train me.

  “No. Way. In. Hell.” I wasn’t even aware that I’d spoken the words out loud.

  “Excuse me?” Raighne was already leading me to the tent I had seen tied down next to the huge tree.

  “That was my sister?” I shook my head in denial, unable to absorb what had just happened. “That warrior Barbie doll in leather who wants my blood, is my sister? There is no way she’s training me. She’s going to kill me!”

  “She is just upset. She is an emotional one, but she will calm down and then you will become the best of friends.” Even he sounded doubtful. “Concentrate on the present and leave the future for later.”

  I just snorted at h
is so-called wise words and followed him into the tent.

  Best friends! You hear that, Sid? Best friends my ass.


  The tent was much bigger inside than it looked. There was a room with cushions that were so big they could almost pass for beanbags, with smaller pillows and soft looking blankets scattered everywhere. The whole room was bathed in soft violet and green pastel colors. It looked very cozy. I assumed it would pass as the living room.

  We moved further into the tent, which opened into a smaller room. It was the bedroom, boasting a very welcoming bed. I could hear it talking to me, clearly saying, come, sleep, now.

  To one side stood an old-fashioned bath and basin. There was also a very old looking cabinet beside the window. It was pretty. I had a fondness for old-fashioned things. Someone had definitely gone through a lot of trouble to make this tent comfortable for me.

  So, this would be my home from now on. Mine, alone. It was the first time since I got here that I felt some kind of normalcy.

  “This is your tent. Mine is next door. Your clothes are in the cupboard and your aide will be here shortly with your food. I will see you in the morning as I myself need some food and rest.” He didn’t even wait for a response as he raced away - sending a quick glance to the welcoming bed. Not that I minded. After all, I was supposed to be very angry with him. Well…that’s what I kept telling myself.

  I opened the cupboard and just stared at the clothes they expected me to wear. I took out an outfit and held it up for closer inspection. These guys were all mental. There was no bloody way I was going to wear this.

  No. Bloody. Way. Sid was on his back, cracking up with laughter from just picturing me in the stupid outfit. It was a tiny tank top made of leather and resembled Alandra’s choice of sex-kitten apparel. There was also an item that looked like something they would’ve called hot pants back on Earth, combined with a leather skirt. Only the skirt was torn into thin strips all around, leaving it open at the sides. And the best part? It barely covered my butt to just a hand or two’s width above my knees. I was going to look like some cheap stripper. On second thought, I was going to look like Alandra minus the incredible body.

  I placed it on the bed and searched for shoes, scared of what I was going to find. When I saw them I cringed. How was I supposed to move in those boots? They looked like they weighed a ton. I took them out and held them up. Just as I thought! They did weigh a ton. Seriously! If I had to put them on they’d reach all the way to my knees, and they actually expected me to move in them.

  A shadow by the door caught my attention. Standing there was a pretty blonde girl with low pigtails. I guessed her to be at least a head taller than me. She had a very slim build. She had soft pink eyes, just a shade lighter than the violet’s I’ve been seeing around here.

  “Peace be, Princess Alchera. My name is Fleur.” She took a step into the room. “I am your aide, your Highness, and I brought you some food. Your Highness must be starving?” She had an open smile that made me relax.

  “Are you going to eat with me?” I didn’t want to eat alone. I followed her into the living room where I was happy to see two plates waiting.

  After making ourselves comfortable and having a few bites of what tasted like stew, I looked up from my plate and dared to ask a question. “What’s up with the eyes? I mean, why are there so many people here with shiny purple eyes? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  She laughed. “Your Highness can ask me anything. That is what I am here for - to aid your Highness through the transition phase. I will answer any question your Highness might have. In fact, I would like very much to become your Highness’s friend. After all, we will be spending quite a lot of time together.” Her smile grew wider, as she continued excitedly, “The guardians have violet eyes. Your Highness is—”

  I had to stop her. “Let’s get a few things straight. One. Call me by my name. I’m not going to respond to this Princess or Your Highness crap. Two. I’m very open to this friendship thing, but you don’t dare tell anyone what we talk about when we’re alone. Do you understand?”

  She was starting at me with wide, confused eyes. “I am not sure I do. You want me to call you - a member of the royal family - by your common name?”

  “Crap,” I sighed. “I’m going to have a really hard time talking to you people.” I was actually muttering to myself, but she managed to hear every single word I said.

  “Alchera.” She made sure I was looking at her before she spoke again. “You are going to have to work on your language. The use of profanity is strictly forbidden on Vaalbara. We believe that what comes out of your mouth is a reflection of who you are inside.” She took my hand, like it would’ve softened the blow from what she’d just said.

  “You cannot use vulgar language. You are home now, and my advice to you is - watch what you say.”

  She gave me an encouraging smile, but it didn’t help. I still felt like crap. It was my first day back home and I’d been lectured by my aide, rejected by my sister, and given the responsibility of saving the human race. And now I wasn’t even allowed to use the odd emotional word to show how I was feeling. What next?

  No way, Sid. We still have our pride. There’s no way they’re going to change who we are.

  “Enough of that. Where was I?” I just stared at her overly happy face.

  “Eye color.” She smiled.

  “Your eyes are emerald, as you are a lover of nature and that was what Awo has chosen for you. Alandra’s is onyx, as she is a warrior Princess. But if you ask me, they should be ruby red and spitting fire. No disrespect to you!” She looked guilty and ashamed for insulting my sister.

  “Don’t apologize. I agree completely.”

  Her smile returned, as she continued, “Elora’s eyes are golden-honey. She is like a sunray…like a spessartine stone. Everyone loves her, especially Alandra. Eamar, Raighne’s father, has blue eyes with golden flecks in them. His eyes are like those of the lapis lazuli stone. As your power grows as a guardian your eyes change color. He is very powerful, and the only guardian without violet eyes.

  “Everybody is scared of him due to that. He is the King and Queen’s guardian. He can heal them when they are hurt and make himself unseen by others. Oh, and he can run very fast. Truly, he has the stamina of a horse.” She had this dreamy expression on her face.

  I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at her. It was so refreshing listening to her and quite interesting hearing her explanation of their eye colors.

  “You seem to be into gemstones and crystals quite a bit?”

  “Yes, I love them. Herbs, spices - and potions, too. I am pretty much at the top of my class.”

  “You know Eamar well?”

  Her face fell a bit. “I know all the guardians and their talents. I just wonder sometimes what it would be like to be one, that is all.”

  “Can’t you, like, apply to become one?”

  “It does not work that way,” Fleur answered. “Only men are guardians; only a handful of women were born with the talents. Other women are trained in healing and teaching. That is why I am studying so hard so maybe I can one day be like Aster.” Fleur’s wistful expression was on her face for another second, before it was replaced by sheer panic. “Not that I am saying I will ever be as good as she! Oh, no, that will never happen. I meant to say that maybe I could train under her.” She stared at me with enormous eyes, as if I was going to slap her across the face.

  Instead, I just smiled. I kept quiet for a few seconds, because if I’d opened my mouth it would only have a string of swear words coming out of it. Only men got to be guardians! You’d have to be talented to be someone, or else you’d have to work your butt off to prove yourself. What kind of place was this where one immortal didn’t have the same rights as another? I took a deep breath, trying to keep my anger at bay.

  “Look, I’m starting this training stuff tomorrow, and I know no one around here except for you and Raighne. It would be very nice if you could come
with me. If you don’t mind?” I liked Fleur and wanted as many friendly faces as I could get when I had to face Alandra. A witness would be nice just in case she flayed me in the first minute.

  “Of course I will be there. That is my place after all, right by your side.” Fleur jumped up and gathered the dirty dishes. As she headed for the doorway I could see her face was beaming.

  “You should bathe and rest now. I will see you in the morning for training. Do not be troubled, it will not be as unpleasant as you think it will be.”

  Somehow I didn’t believe that. Taking Fleur’s advice I bathed in the warm, welcoming water. My head had barely touched the pillows of the big bed before I was out like a light.

  Chapter Four


  I might not be physically strong.

  But I do believe that to survive, I need to be strong-willed.

  Which is more important in life?

  I woke up to the most beautiful sounds of birds chirping and water flowing nearby. It must’ve been pretty early still since I couldn’t hear any of the others moving around yet.

  I stretched, enjoying the sunrays spilling through my window. I thought of the cold back on Earth. Then my eyes fell on the outfit. I considered wearing the white gown I had on. I mean, at least it covered everything. Turning my back on the wretched ensemble, I went to wash my face and brush my teeth.

  When I looked in the mirror to brush my hair I was struck again by the change I had undergone. I saw this…Alchera looking back at me.

  I liked the silver in my hair. It was different - kinda’ cool. I had shrunk by a few inches, but I loved the abdominal muscles that came with the package.

  I still felt the same inside, though. Nothing had changed there. When the mirror was gone, Aislinn was back. Aislinn who had grown up alone, with no family, no friends. Aislinn who could predict other people’s futures, but hadn’t seen this coming in her own.