Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Page 5
“She is crushing on you.”
“Crushing on me?” Okay, now he looked just plain lost.
Now I was the one confused. “Yeah. Crush. You know? She was hitting on you.” He still wasn’t following. “She’s taken with you and you didn’t even give her the time of day.” A spark of understanding filled the smoky violet eyes.
“Oh,” Ryan said, quietly. “But…why would she be taken with me? I did not do anything to win her honor. Why would she be upset?”
“Are you kidding?” My eyebrow was raised so high that my forehead actually began to hurt. There was even more proof. Ryan’s dialect - his lingo - wasn’t the same as ours. Not to mention, I’d only heard him curse once - if you could call ‘dammit’ cursing in this day and age. I couldn’t keep back the sarcasm. “People don’t need reasons to like each other you know. It just happens.”
“It is really unfortunate that she is taken with me, as I have no interest in her.” He seemed to be very serious. “I mean I have you to give all my attention to.”
He managed to stun me again. “Lucky me.” Sid, you could say that again and go thank Lady Luck while you’re at it.
It was three weeks later - Thursday, to be exact - when I ran out of my house to that brown, waiting jeep as if I was floating on gossamer wings. Watching my step on the ice, I opened the passenger door as fast as I could to get out of the cold and into the warmth of that smoky violet gaze.
“Morning, my fair Aislinn.” His cheerfulness filled the jeep and surrounded me as soon as I got in.
“Mornin’.” My teeth shuddered against one another.
“That is all? Just mornin’?” He acted offended.
“Okay, how about…‘Good morning my fair Ryan’?”
We both burst out laughing, which warmed me up even faster. We carried on joking around until we arrived at school. He pulled the jeep into its normal spot next to Molly’s car.
I had somehow managed to deal with my feelings, keeping them hidden so he wouldn’t notice that I was just as big a geek for him as the school’s head cheerleader.
We were walking across the stretch of green when he nudged me. “What are you thinking?”
“Molly’s having a party at the house tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to come?” I was actually praying that he would come, and then I wouldn’t be alone in a house full of people I hated.
“If you want me there, I will be there.”
“Truth is, I need you there. We don’t need to mingle, we can hide somewhere. We can watch a DVD if you want.” I was just happy he’d agreed to come.
“Anything, Aislinn. We can do anything you wish.”
The ideas began to flow…
You could feel the change in the atmosphere when we got to school on Friday morning. Everyone was geared up for the party. The day dragged on endlessly because, for the first time in all my life, I actually had plans for the weekend. I told Ryan we could still do something else, but he was adamant now. We’d be going to this party.
When the bell eventually rang for the end of last period, the classroom cleared in seconds. The house would be packed before we even got there.
“We need to hurry. I forgot to lock the door to my bedroom.” I grabbed his hand and dragged him behind me, as he started to laugh.
“Don’t laugh at me!” I hit my foot against the ground for more emphasis.
“Are you afraid you will find a couple adoring each other in your room?” I got in the jeep, tired of his teasing.
“I would not use the word ‘adore’, they go way beyond that around here.”
He started the jeep and pulled away from the school. I loved the way he drove. Then again, I had yet to find something about him I didn’t like.
Within minutes he parked his jeep in the driveway. There were already quite a few cars parked out front.
Damn, I would not be held responsible for what I would do to the person, should I find someone in my room. I let out a sigh of relief when I opened my door and found the room empty.
Ryan placed his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them gently as he pushed me into the room.
“See? You were anxious for no reason. But while we are here you might as well show me the room you call home.” He stepped around me and walked towards my dresser. Crap, not the dresser! My diary was sprawled open on top, ready for him to read what I had written the night before. I shot past him, grabbing the book to my chest.
“Now what do you have there?”
“My private diary.”
“Oh.” He moved closer still. “So if I wanted to know all your secrets and what mysteries surround you, then that would be the book I should read.” I would have thought he was joking, but his trademark lazy smile was nowhere to be found.
Turning away, Ryan clasped his hands behind his back as he moved to the window. He stood there in silence for a good few minutes before glancing in my direction.
“Why the interest in my personal life, Ryan?” I knew why I was interested in him, but I still couldn’t figure out why he was so interested in me.
He gave me a weird look I couldn’t place. “I would like to know my friend better.”
“Why? Heck, counting the legs on dead roaches would be more interesting than talking about me.”
Ryan rolled his eyes. “Do you know when your birthday is?”
“Not my real one.” I was thinking about telling him everything tonight. I mean, it couldn’t hurt, could it? At least I would have someone to talk to. A real person, not some imaginary friend. Sorry, Sid.
I could start by telling him about my made up birthday. I could use it as a test. If he didn’t laugh, he’d pass.
“I celebrate my birthday on the day they found me. I know it’s silly, but at least it’s some way of keeping track of the years passing me by.”
“Do you not want to know when your real birthday is?” He looked sincere and, oddly, concerned.
“No, it doesn’t really bother me anymore.” He took a seat on my bed. “It did in the beginning. I wanted to know who I was and where I came from. But then I just gave up and accepted who I was. I can’t change what happened. I am who I am, I guess.” I shrugged.
Ryan nodded and looked out the window. “When do you celebrate, then?”
I didn’t answer immediately. I had never celebrated any kind of birthday. I’d always just taken Sid and me to my waterfall.
Ryan gave me one of those piercing gazes that told me I had no choice - I had to tell him.
“It’s tomorrow, okay? Tomorrow I’ll be eighteen.” I had expected to feel like an idiot after sharing it with him, but I didn’t. I did, however, wonder what he thought of me - the girl who had no past, no real birthday, and the only future I was involved in was those I predicted for others.
Choosing to flee from the room, Ryan followed as I went to get us something to drink. Wasting time as we watched the dancers, we were both surprised to see how fast some had already gotten drunk. I took Ryan out back, where we sat talking nonsense until late afternoon. The music got louder and people started to move outside.
We were chilling when a group of jocks came out to compare muscles with each other; the whole, ‘Mine is bigger than yours’, thing.
And just then - as if the Devil and his moronic friends were sitting around laughing and doing push-ups as they looked down on me - I zonked out.
“A pillow? Alchera, a pillow?” I heard the voice coming from behind me, and then a girl spoke. She was being sarcastic and she sounded just like me.
“Last time I checked.”
“Did I say to bring one?” It had to be Ryan, only he sounded older and upset.
“You said I must pack my stuff.”
“Do you see anybody else with a pillow?” I could feel the girl getting upset. Why were they arguing about a bloody pillow in the first place?
“Hand me the pillow.”
“And if I refuse?”
br /> “Do not let me make an example of you in front of the others.” His voice had gone the way of a drill sergeant.
“What example?”
“We could always start the physical training early.” He did not just say physical training, did he?
“Aislinn… Aislinn!” Ryan was standing in front of me, shaking me gently.
“Um… Hi.” Crap, it had happened again right in front of everyone. What was I going to tell Ryan this time?
“Daydreaming again?” Ryan’s eyes were stormy as they met mine. His hands closed around my upper arms, pulling me up from the bench. I was standing so close to him I could taste the freshness in his breath that was mingling with mine.
Normally this would’ve been the time when my blood froze and my heartbeat sped up because of the look he gave me with those forceful, smoky eyes. But I simply felt… protected.
“Mmm?” I took a breath.
Ryan closed the small gap between us, and we stood chest to chest. I could feel his heart beating with my own. It was amazing. I took another breath, inhaling him even deeper than before.
“Ais…” Ryan’s voice was raw with emotion. It looked like he wanted to kiss me, though it could’ve been my raging hormones playing tricks on me. Bringing his left hand up to my cheek, he stroked my skin so softly that I almost moaned out loud.
I’d never been kissed before. So I just stood there, with all these feelings exploding inside of me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled Ryan to me and hugged him as tightly as I could. I needed to feel him against me and it scared the hell out of me. I needed this virtual stranger far too much.
We stood like that for a good five minutes, before we went inside in search of something to eat. People parted like the Red Sea in front of us, making me feel even more uncomfortable than I already was. Ryan and I had shared a moment out there, and I wasn’t sure what that moment entailed.
We raided the fridge in the crowded kitchen and headed for the privacy of my room. “Damn, we forgot something to drink.”
I was so deep in thought on my way back from the kitchen I almost dropped the bottle of soda when an arm fell around my neck. I immediately knew it wasn’t Ryan’s. The heartbeat was way too fast and he held me too hard. I tried to pull away, but there was no budging.
“Oh, come on, Aislinn. How long are you going to put this act on for me? After all, we’re almost family.” It was Robert and he was drunk. This pathetic excuse for a human, whose hamster was running its wheel in reverse when it came to creating some brain activity, was not the person I wanted to deal with right now.
He pressed me against the wall; my head hit the family portrait.
“Get your hands off me!” My voice was a low growl, but I was sure he’d heard what I’d said over the loud music. I already felt dirty and used just by being touched with his greasy hands.
These run-ins with him were becoming more frequent, and more of a problem.
Again, he slammed me into the wall. And this time I was sure there were going to be bruises. I tried shoving at his chest. “I’ll t-tell Molly if you d-don’t let me go.”
“I’ll t-t-t-tell Molly,” he mimicked. “Tell Molly what, exactly?” His hot sticky drunken breath filled my nose, making my stomach lurch.
One of his sweaty hands moved up my left hip towards my chest, as the other arm locked me against the wall. I let go of the bottle and slapped his hand away and tried kicking him - but that didn’t work either. He was like a pile of crap that clung to me like Krazy glue.
All my struggling seemed to excite him more as the seconds ticked by. He grabbed my other arm, shoving himself hard against me. I could feel my stomach protesting, as bile began to rise, burning its way up to my throat. He gripped me so tightly I was sure he’d leave imprints on my skin.
He started laughing. “Are you scared of me?” he whispered. “Imagine the fun we could have together. Should I come visit you in your room tonight?” He inhaled me. “I could teach you a few things.”
Panic slammed so hard into my gut that all I could think of was Ryan. Where was Ryan? I needed Ryan.
“Ryan!” I screamed his name in my mind.
“Get. Off. Of. Her. Or. Die.” That beautiful voice was a vicious snarl.
I felt the weight of Robert lift off me for a split second, which was then replaced by Ryan’s. He stood against me, covering me with his firm body. His scent enveloped me, surrounding me like a mist. I clung to him as if he was my last lifeline. Tears filled my eyes, and I buried my face in his back. Relief flooded my soul.
“I didn’t know she was taken, man. Sorry.” Robert was his usual cocky self.
“She is taken. So be sure to stay away from her in the future.” Ryan spoke with a voice of authority, as if he had to do nothing more than snap his fingers and Robert’s skin would be flayed from the bone.
“Sure thing, pal.” Robert disappeared around the corner, with his friends following close behind him.
Ryan turned and pulled me away from the wall. When I looked up into his smoldering eyes they were so…alive - so…frighteningly calm - like a serial killer reveling in his next victim’s dying heartbeat.
I was flooded with guilt for dragging him into this mess.
The killer left Ryan’s body and he began to caress my cheek. His fingers soon made their way to my lips, as if he were wiping away all traces of Robert’s horrific breath.
“Are you all right? I apologize for taking so long to get to you.” His voice was filled with concern.
I didn’t want any of this. I didn’t want him fighting my battles for me. I didn’t want him seeing me like this. Why did I call out to him? Why did I drag him into my life in the first place?
I started walking to my room so that I wouldn’t have to look at him. “Yes, th-thanks t-to you. I’m so sorry.” A sob shuddered through me. “How d-did you know I…th-that I needed you?” I stuttered through the tears that were no longer under my control.
“You called.” He continued quickly, “I meant to say…you stayed away for so long I thought maybe you had trouble finding something to drink.” He closed the door behind us, and then moved to my side immediately.
“Look at you!” He was angry again, his eyes flaming up.
“I’m so sorry. I’d d-do anything to…t-to make th-this right. I d-didn’t mean f-for you t-to get caught up in this mess.”
He grabbed me by the shoulders. “My precious Aislinn, stop apologizing.” Ryan pulled me into an embrace. “You are not to blame; you have done nothing wrong. He is the animal. I should make him pay for just touching you, never mind hurting you. I will protect you. You will never be alone again. Never.”
All I could do was live in the moment of this complete miracle.
After the pain and disgust had passed, Ryan and I ate our dinner, and with full stomachs we lay down, staring up at my ceiling.
“Would you like me to stay the evening?” Ryan asked as if it were a simple, normal question. No blushing came from his side. Nothing. Me? I was so red that if you switched off the light I was sure I would glow in the dark.
“I would like that.” How I got my voice not to tremble was a mystery, seeing as that my whole body was shaking. Reaching over, Ryan took my shaking hand and pulled me into his arms, letting my head rest on his chest. It was heaven to be held by him; like a cool clean waterfall that erased Robert’s gross touch.
“You are still shaking! Do not be afraid of him. I will not let him touch you again.” He whispered, “I will always be here.”
When it came to the sleeping arrangements I was thankful for the cover of darkness, as my red face was in full action. The music was loud; the party still in full swing. I locked the door just to make sure no one tried to come in.
Crawling underneath the blanket after switching off the light, I had to use everything in me to force myself to relax, but it was impossible - especially when Ryan pulled me against him and whisper
ed, “Good night.”
I should’ve left it there, but I needed to know so much more about this miracle. “It’s your turn to tell me something, mister. You yell at me but you’re the secretive one. Come on, spill - tell me something shocking.”
I could feel his grin in the darkness. “Shocking, you ask? Let us see. I can shift through waterfalls. I can walk through one and end up coming out of another in a completely different location.”
I slapped Ryan’s arm. “Be serious! You never really talk about yourself. You always find a way to turn the conversation back to me.” I placed my hands on his chest, and rested my chin on his perfect form.
Ryan’s voice was calm and soothing, “I have twins for older brothers, Evin and Aedan. There, I told you something.”
“What about your parents? Do they know you’re here all alone with me, being all heroic?”
He chuckled. “My father knows that I am here.” Clearing his throat, Ryan changed the subject. “Would you like to hear a bedtime story?” It might’ve been a figment of my imagination, but I was sure I heard sadness in his voice.
I snuggled into him, conscious of the blanket being the only thing between us. “Sure.”
The gorgeous voice grew serious. “There is a place not far from Earth called Vaalbara. It is a new Earth that has been created for mankind. On this Earth there is a race of people called Immortals, who are preparing for the arrival of their Princess. She has been gone for a very long time, and is due to return home. Once she returns, however, there will not be any time for celebrations. She will have to prepare for her training in self-defense, combat, and then schooled in the Immortals’ ways.”
“Hold on,” I interrupted. “After all those years of not seeing their Princess, her welcome home present is school and work? You, my friend, suck at telling stories. I demand a girly story with a girly ending.” I felt his chest shaking, a sure sign of silent laughter.
“Hold on,” he chuckled. “It gets better. After her vigorous training she becomes the best of all the trainees. Then there is the big celebration where her whole kingdom cheers her return. Happy now you little story killer?” He started tickling me, which had me squirming under the blanket. Still, no matter how I moved he got me good. I was so out of breath from laughing I could barely talk.