Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Page 6
“I…give…up! Stop! I said…STOP!” I was gasping for air.
“As long as you know who is in charge around here.” He pulled me back into the circle of his arms, and the laughter suddenly died. My stomach flipped and twisted, and my heart sped along at a hundred miles an hour. It was going so fast I was sure it would explode from my chest in an effort to be free.
Ryan’s cool hand rested lightly on my cheek, as he pushed himself up on one arm and raised his body over me.
“Yes.” My voice was a mere squeak.
“I really did not mean for this to happen. Please forgive me.”
“For what?” I was being dense again. Sid slothed away in frustration.
“This.” And then his lips were on mine. First I could feel his warm breath; then the soft kiss turned harder, more desperate - a kiss born from passion and fire, and a need I could understand.
Ryan’s hand moved from my cheek to the small of my back, tenderly pressing me against him, his lips now forcing mine apart. The minute his tongue slipped over mine, my heart soared. I had never in my life felt something so intense. I knew I was lost. Forever.
His other hand rested softly on my side, while parts of my body that I never even knew I had begun to wake up under his touch. Apparently, my hormones had come together in a chorus that praised the name, Ryan.
I didn’t want to think about ten minutes from now. I didn’t want to think about our friendship, or that I might be leaving him behind when I left this town eventually. I just wanted to touch him, taste him, and inhale him.
When the kiss ended, he rested his forehead against mine. I took quick breaths while trying to regain my composure, or at least what was left of it.
“We…we need to sleep now,” he said, as his hands massaged the bare skin of my back.
“Uh-hum,” was all I could get out. I wasn’t going to be able to sleep now. There was no way.
“We really…” His lips were moving closer again, not even an inch from mine. “We need to…” Ryan didn’t get any further than that. I pulled him into me. Apparently the ‘cougar’ was a part of my soul after all.
My hand reached under his shirt, gliding over his muscles. It set Ryan into motion as he pulled the shirt off in one swift movement with one hand. This time a moan did escape my lips when I saw the beauty of his bare chest. He lowered himself back down, covering me with his well-built body.
I was treading into unfamiliar territory and there was no denying him now. I didn’t have a clue as to what Ryan was expecting, nor as to what I was supposed to do. I kept on kissing him with everything I had; feeling the heat of his skin under my trembling hands was a dream come true.
Ryan’s strong hand moved up my side, and my breath caught in my throat. His hand gripped my ribs just below the curve of my breast. I couldn’t think clearly anymore. All my senses were completely stunned by him. It was both scary and exhilarating at the same time.
Ryan inched my shirt up, and my arms must’ve been co-operating on their own, because the next thing I knew my shirt was on the floor next to the bed. He didn’t give me any time to feel self-conscious about it, as he once again lowered himself on top of me.
I was nearly undone when he started kissing my neck. Sparks shot through my body, my back arched, eagerly meeting his exploration.
Confusion flared up in me as a groan escaped his throat and Ryan quickly pulled away as if I’d burned him. “I am sorry. I apologize for my behavior. I should not have… I—” He sat up on the edge of the bed with his hands in his hair.
I didn’t know what to say or do, so I grabbed for the blanket and just lay there in the dark. Sid, what have I done? Was it just the heat of the moment for him? I wouldn’t be able to look him in the eyes again. I could feel a lump forming in my throat the size of a bloody basketball. How could I have let myself get so carried away? Stupid! What would he think of me now?
“Yes.” I croaked. So much for a future in acting. “I’m sorry.”
“No, Aislinn, please…do not.” He held me again. “I should not have let it get out of hand. I should have controlled the situation better. You have been through enough and now I have added to it. It is just that you…are…so—” A faint smile appeared on Ryan’s lips for a split second, before he turned and looked at me with such care that I could barely breathe. “You are so beautiful.”
He kissed me tenderly. “Are you alright?”
“Yes.” I began to feel pretty self-conscious now, and I couldn’t get my head around the idea that he thought I was beautiful. “But—.”
“No buts.”
He pushed me away from him so he could see my face. The blanket fell away from me. I wanted to yank it back up to cover myself, but I also didn’t want him to see how insecure I felt with the moonlight illuminating a sports bra, of all things. Crap!
“I am so sorry if I did something wrong.” His eyes pleaded with mine.
“You were perfect,” I practically cried. “I just d-don’t want you to th-think th-that I’m… you know.”
That lazy smile snuck across Ryan’s face.
“I d-don’t want you t-to th-think th-that I go around...” I had to let him know that this was a first for me. He had to know that I didn’t do this with just any guy. Damn, why was it so hard to tell him I was a virgin?
“What I’m t-trying t-to say is th-that I d-don’t want you t-to have the wrong impression of me. Th-this was a f-first for me.” I took a deep breath. “Th-there.”
Ryan pulled me down until my head rested on his chest. I listened to his thudding heartbeat and smiled, happy that I wasn’t the only one who may flat line at any moment.
“That is what makes me feel so bad. I went too far, and—”
I placed my fingers on his lips to stop him from talking. “You made my first kiss very special. Thank you for that.”
Ryan hugged me to him, his hand tracing patterns on my shoulder. “I am incredibly honored that I was your first.” He kissed my forehead. “Sweet dreams, my Princess. Tomorrow is a big day.”
“Sweet dreams.” I’d never felt so light and free as I fell asleep in my guardian’s arms.
Chapter Three
The Return Home
They say, ‘home is where the heart is’.
Then why is it my heart was lost along the way?
I was standing in a foreign city. People were screaming in a language I couldn’t understand. Everyone was running around, with no real direction, rushing to find a safe place.
I could feel their fear, their hopelessness, and their utter dread. There were dead faces - some burned to charcoal - staring up at me from the pavement while a cloud of ash rained down from a nightmarish sky.
I looked around to see what it was they were all running from. Was it another 9-11 attack?
My lungs battled to draw in air, choking on the last breath of ash I’d just inhaled. I was so shocked by what I saw, I couldn’t even cough. The stench of rotten eggs filled the air. Above us were dark, evil clouds - a mass of swirling blackness where the edges were dark red fading into the brightest yellow. The heavens were on fire.
I was caught in the middle of a volcanic eruption! The ground shook beneath my feet as a deafening growl erupted from the volcano, followed by a torrent of molten rocks and lava being spewed everywhere.
I turned to run but got nowhere. Something hit me so hard in the chest it threw me backwards, and I was suddenly lying on the ground; my chest felt as if it’d been torn open.
“Alchera! Awo…No!” Someone fell over me. His face came at me through the fog of ash.
“Aislinn? Aislinn, wake up!” Ryan’s voice broke through the mist. I could feel him shaking me. His face began to come into focus, as I registered the worried expression beaming in his eyes. “Everything is all right. There is no volcano. It was only a dream.”
I sat straight up in bed; the moonlight from the window illuminated my fear. I knew I had to an
swer him but I could only stare at his face.
“What did you dream? Was it a dream?” Ryan shook me lightly.
“What? I’m sorry.” I shook my head, trying to get rid of the leftover haziness. That was when his last question sunk in. Why would he ask if it was a dream?
“What happened?” Ryan’s voice was tense, his eyes willing me to speak.
I felt like I was on automatic pilot. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing,” he said angrily. “You are pale and shaking all over.”
“I’m okay. It’s nothing. Just another nightmare.” Crap, how could I explain the contents of my dreams? And why was he so interested? Without thinking, I rose from the bed and saw sparks in front of my eyes. Wobbling, I tried to get to my closet. I needed to get dressed. Thankfully, I managed to get my favorite jacket.
When his arm went around my waist, he pulled me against his bare chest. I dropped my head in my hands. The dream had upset me much more than I was willing to admit, and I wasn’t able to deal with him. I wasn’t able to deal with his bare chest against my naked back, or the feelings I had for him.
“Talk to me. What did you dream about? It is important that you tell me,” Ryan stated, confusing me all the more.
Panic and sadness still surrounded me from the dream. I felt pain from when I fell to the ground. Someone had shot me! I was sure of it - that was why my chest felt like it’d exploded.
There was also that name, Alchera. Who was she? Who were the other people in my dreams? Who was that man?
“Aislinn, you need to talk to me!” Ryan shook me hard this time. “Now.”
“I’m sorry. I’m not sure about…anything.” I tried to turn away but he wouldn’t let me go.
“Aislinn, I have to know what is happening to you. I am responsible for you.” There was a slight warning in his tone, as if I should not go against him. I wasn’t that stupid. Prince Charming was hiding something, and he needed to come clean.
“Who are you, Ryan…really?”
His hands dropped to his side.
I turned on him. “You keep insisting I talk to you. But there is more to your story than mine. Why do you want to know what I was dreaming? Why did you ask if it was a dream?” I was the one asking questions for once, and it felt good being able to finally think coherently in his presence.
Ryan’s facial expression was blank. “You will not understand everything right now. You need to trust me, Aislinn. I mean you no harm.”
Normally when people told me to trust them I did exactly the opposite. “You don’t speak like a teenager; there is NO way you’re eighteen. Where are you from? Are you some undercover federal guy? Did you find out about me living here with no identity documents and you’ve come to take me away?”
Sid, now that really sounded stupid.
Ryan balled his hands into fists. “I am not here investigating your missing identity. You do not listen when I speak. Do you know I have not once lied to you? Not once! Everything I speak is the absolute truth.” It was Ryan’s turn to move in on me again. “Think back on what I have told you.”
“What?” He was talking in riddles. “The dreams you are currently having are only going to get worse.”
“What do you know of my…what?” I rubbed my hands over my face. This whole conversation wasn’t making any sense.
He sighed. “What I am about to reveal to you might alarm you, but let me first clarify it as best I can before you react.” Reaching out, Ryan pushed the frazzled strands of hair behind my ear. “To really hear me, you need to use that part within you that feels like it never belonged here…in this place…the piece in your soul you know is different from others.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I didn’t like this new Ryan. He was turning out to be weirder than me, which was truly impossible.
He took a deep breath. “Vaalbara is a place. The place I told you about in that bedtime story is very, very real. Your people are awaiting your return. I have been sent to retrieve you, Aislinn.”
Did he really think I was so stupid that I would believe this crap?
“I need to take you home, Aislinn. Your parents are waiting to hear of your return.”
“I…I d-don’t have parents.” My voice was a mere whisper. My body began to shake. “Is this some kind of joke? Because you’ve gone too far. You know I have no family.”
Ryan shook his head; his voice remained calm and clear. “Have I ever joked with you? You need to take this seriously! Everything that has happened and is happening to you - your mysterious appearance at the falls when you were thirteen, your dreams, your gifts, it is all connected.”
“Have you been drinking? Listen to yourself, Ryan! Vaalbara? Immortals and princesses? Listen to how that sounds. Have you lost your bloody mind?” I went to the window and opened it wide. A gust of cold wind blew in and made my body shake.
Ryan cleared his throat and continued, “I know you feel out of place here and this all seems crazy to you. I understand better than you will ever know, Alchera, but once you are there—”
My head snapped around. “What did you just call me?”
The smoky eyes remained locked on my face. “Alchera.” Ryan took a tentative step closer. I was sure the look on my face told him I was no longer the nice, placid Aislinn.
“It is your birth name. It is the name given to you by your parents who are waiting to hear that I have returned with you.”
“I dreamed about that name.” I shook my head in denial, as if I could erase all this madness.
“I need to get you back to Vaalbara. It is no longer safe for you here. Once your dreams begin, Adeth will be able to track you here on Earth.” His tone turned urgent.
Now I had a stalker named Adeth? What the hell did she want? Fine. Ryan knew about the name from my dreams, or let’s say for argument’s sake it was me seeing my own future. That still didn’t mean I was going to trust him or believe any of this crap.
I began slowly, “If you’re from this Vaalbara place, and everything else you say is true, then why did you and your people leave me alone for so long? And who is this Adeth person?” It was taking a lot to just stand still and act calm when all I wanted to do was bolt out the window and make a run for my waterfall.
Ryan‘s face contorted with emotion; his eyes looked as if they were pleading for forgiveness. “We hid you here to protect you from Adeth. She is an evil woman who has made it her sole purpose to find you. I cannot reveal the details now. As soon as you are home, you will understand everything. But we need to move now, Alchera. I need you to co-operate…please.”
“You want to take me to a place called Vaalbara where there are immortals and actual parents who are waiting for me…you want me to trust you.”
“Yes, everything will…”
I was out the window before he’d even finished speaking.
I ran as fast as my bare feet could carry me on the wintry street. Sid, why hadn’t I put on shoes first? Nooo, I had to sprint a ten mile bloody marathon to my waterfall with bare feet. I’m a true genius, aren’t I, Sid?
I cut through the park, knowing I would lose Ryan that way. It was also a great encouragement to run faster. Dark, creepy, bum-infested parks weren’t exactly my favorite hangout joints.
After a refreshing fifteen minute run I reached my falls. I was overcome by the burn in my lungs, as I gasped for air. Damn, I was unfit! Stumbling to my waterfall’s entrance I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. Great! This was all I needed to end my night of horror – another crazy person!
I felt like I was going to start hyperventilating any minute. Needless to say Sid was sure to be crapping himself right about now. I was too scared to turn around and look, knowing the person was right behind me and it was too late to hide.
“God, please help me.” I’d never been the praying kind but I figured now was as good a time as any to start.
“Awo hears all.”
Ryan! I swung around - not sure if I wanted to hug hi
m or slug him. “You scared the living hell out of me! How did you know to come here?”
He shrugged. “I have followed you here before. I had to keep watch over you, particularly when you stayed here so late. You were so careless, never thinking of your own safety.”
An insane freak lecturing me on safety? “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I yelled.
He took my frozen hands in his warm ones.
“You’re not cold?” My comment came out as an accusation. “Why aren’t you cold?”
“Please Alchera, we have to leave now. If your visions have started then it is of great importance that we leave Earth now! I cannot protect you like this.” He seemed so genuinely worried that I almost believed him.
I so needed to get into my warm bed and forget about this awful night. “Does it even count what I say, what I feel? You obviously only became my friend for your own gain. What is it? Why do you want me so much? I have nothing of value to offer. I’m nothing remember? Just the freak.”
Ryan’s face changed in a split second. He looked…menacing. “You are of great worth to us and this dying world! Do not ever speak like that about yourself again! I will not have it!”
He really seemed to care for me, in his own insane way. ”You tell me I have a family - that I come from some place called Vaalbara. I can’t even cope with my own dreams never mind your twisted stories.” I lifted my chin an inch, to show that I was not a coward.
I couldn’t believe this was my Ryan standing in front of me acting so mental. But what else was there for me to do but stay calm and do as he said? He had to make a mistake at some point, and then I would try to get away again.
“I have been entrusted with your life, Alchera. I have wardship over you until you are back with your parents, and I intend to honor it. I know you are confused and scared, but I will not let any harm come to you. Look into my eyes. You will see that what I am telling you is the truth. I am not your enemy.”
Look into his eyes. Yeah, right. It was dark out with only a sliver of moon shedding light on us. I pushed softly at his chest, trying to put some space between us, though I couldn’t make him budge. He must’ve taken it as a sign of me rebelling, because he grabbed me.