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Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Page 16
Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Read online
Page 16
“This was all done under the orders of Adeth by Carter‘s hands.” I took a deep breath. “You kept me going every day, you know. When the pain and darkness got too much, I thought of you. I knew you were coming for me and that’s the only thing that kept me going. So do not for one moment blame yourself. Just knowing you were out there saved me.” I rested my forehead against his and bit into my bottom lip in an attempt to keep back the tears.
Aster came in with a bundle of clothes. “Out, Raighne. I want to dress the child.”
He went and stood in the doorway, turning his back on us. “I will wait here while you dress her, Ima. But to leave her is an impossibility.”
“Should you so much as peek, I will cast you with blindness.” She winked at me.
I let go of the blanket, and thought of how much I’d changed in the past few months. I’d become part of a community, where I had actual family and friends. I didn’t know who I was anymore, or where my life was taking me, but I knew that it had to get better.
Didn’t it?
Chapter Seven
A Season of Change
To everything there is a season, and
a time to every purpose under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to kill, and a time to heal,
a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance,
a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
The dress was soft and light; the material was soothing on my raw skin. Aster sat with me for a while and tended to my wounds, before leaving me with Raighne once again.
We had lunch. Actually, Raighne had lunch. I took four bites which was all I could manage. Aster said it would take a while before I would be able to consume a normal plate of food again. Raighne wasn’t happy about that. He didn’t say anything, but I could see it written all over his face. Aster gave me an herbal mixture to drink in order to heal my system.
It was getting late and the sun began to set. Raighne absentmindedly played with my fingers, while all I could think of was my father, out there…with that monster. That and sitting like this the whole afternoon was killing me. My muscles were cramping up, and my back and ribs were aching something terrible. I needed painkillers, and I wasn’t talking about just one. A whole bottle would do right about now.
“Are you comfortable sitting on the bed like this?” Raighne still didn’t miss a thing when it came to me.
“No, but I can’t lie on my back or on my side at the moment.” I wasn’t going to tell him about the broken ribs, so I would just have to figure something out once he left.
“How did you manage to sleep last night?” He came and stood right in front of me. After all this, he still managed to get my heart beating faster with just the slightest touch.
“I sat on my father’s lap and used his chest as a pillow.
Before I knew what was happening he had me in his arms, walking over to the chair. He sat down and pulled me closer. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face when I looked up at him.
“Am I doing it right?” His face was dangerously close to mine, a shadow of the lazy smile I loved so much faintly played around his lips.
“Almost.” I whispered the word without breaking eye contact. I took his other hand and placed it below the small of my back as softly as I could. My lips brushed his jaw by accident, just before I rested my head in the crook of his neck. I could feel his tensed muscles straight through the material.
“Yes?” I looked up slowly and froze when I saw the way he was looking at me. There was a naked hunger in his eyes that I couldn’t believe was actually for me, especially the way I looked now.
Raighne’s lips were on my bruised ones before I could register what was happening. His delicious smell and taste enveloped me. Damn, I had missed him. I would’ve traded my soul to have seen him again.
I felt Raighne’s familiar warmth spread through my body. It made me snuggle closer as the kiss deepened. I knew it was wrong. He was being over emotional and I was taking advantage of that, but there was no way I could stop. I wanted him.
His arms moved around me and pulled me tightly to him, making my body arch against him as a hoarse moan pierced the silence.
“I am so sorry!” He rocked me gently, and I clung to him, waiting for the pain to subside. His lips were near my ear, whispering soothing words, over and over again.
I didn’t dare to respond. I didn’t trust my voice at this point in time. My body was too tense with pain, as I held on to him.
After a while the pain faded and drowsiness took over. The last thing I remembered was his delicious smell and feeling of complete and utter safety in his arms.
I stirred restlessly in Raighne’s arms as memories of Carter flashed across the backs of my eyelids. I repeatedly told myself it was a dream and to wake up, but I couldn’t. Then again, maybe I was awake and Adeth had simply found a new way to torture me.
Raighne woke up every time I made the slightest movement or noise. I tried to assure him I was okay, but it came out mumbled. I could feel his hand caress my swollen face with so much care that the warmth I felt was…new. I managed to open my eyes just then and looked up into his smiling face. He looked satisfied, pleased with himself.
It was as if he was in a trance, not noticing I was awake. His hand gently moved over my back and that same warmth spread through me. Somehow it felt like he was giving me a part of himself. He was so caught up in what he was doing he jumped when I spoke.
“Jason.” As soon as I said the name the vision of him came flooding back. How could I have forgotten about him?
“I…he. Jason!” All I could think of was Jason, and that I had to get to him immediately.
“All will be well. You need to calm down first.” Raighne moved the hair off my face. I pushed against him and was surprised when my back didn’t seem to hurt as much.
“You don’t understand. I had a vision!” I rubbed my face with my hands and was stunned to feel normal smooth skin under my fingertips. I felt for the cut on my left cheek…but there was nothing.
“What happened to my cut? My face. It feels so…normal.” I looked into Raighne’s eyes. They were no longer violet. On the contrary, they were now a clear grayish-blue, with a darker blue surrounding his irises - the picture of a stormy sea.
“I healed you a bit while you were sleeping…but we will speak later about that. I need to know more about your vision.”
I gawked at him. “You can heal people?”
“No, I cannot heal people. I can only heal you and it is something I only discovered a few moments before you woke up.” He sounded a little impatient.
“But why now?”
He pulled me closer; a strange light gleamed in his eyes. “The closer we get, the stronger the bond between us becomes, and the stronger I become as your guardian.”
It was then that I remembered the odd ‘healing’ story that Fleur had told me about Raighne’s father.
“I tended to your back, though there is still quite a lot to be done. We will have to do it in stages.”
“Would you mind looking at my legs?” Originally, I wasn’t going to tell him about the stab wounds, but I needed them healed so I could go and retrieve Jason.
Raighne was just about to finish when I lifted my right leg slightly so he could look at the stab wound, but I could see he was really tired and felt guilty for being the reason behind his lack of sleep. “You look bushed.” Placing my left hand against his chest, I left the comfort of his arms. The pain was bearable now; my guardian had taken the worst of it.
“Thank…” My mind went blank.
I heard a voice repeating the words, “Hello Jason. Hello Jason.”
I was standing in a kitchen. Jason stood in front of a massive cage with a huge red-tailed, grayish bird perched on his shoulder. It was the bird talking. Another o
ne came running towards me and I couldn’t help but laugh - it was the most adorable thing I‘d ever seen. The bird’s feet were so big they slapped against the tiles, and he repeated the words, “come, come,” as if the bird wanted me to follow him.
Jason turned around smiling, and as soon as he squatted down the bird on the floor leapt for his outstretched hand, climbing up his arm and went to sit on his other shoulder. He spoke to them as if they were real people. He loved them as if they were his children. Tears welled up in my eyes. I’d never encountered a man that loved animals so much before. I’d never seen birds so…emotional, nestling their heads against his, closing their eyes, and clearly showing how much they loved him in return.
Just like that I was back in the tent with Raighne standing before me.
“What did you see?” He didn’t seem to be worried this time. He stood there as if he’d been patiently waiting for me to come back.
“I saw Jason in his kitchen giving attention to his two birds. In the first vision he was tending to his other birds outside.” I smiled when I thought back on what I’d seen.
“What was the quality that stood out about him?” Raighne took my hands in his.
“I’ve never in my life felt so much love before, Raighne. I mean, the love Jason felt for those birds was so…humbling. And the birds loved him back. I could feel it; I could see it.”
Raighne interrupted me before I could continue. “He will be the one to take care of the animals, then. He is your first Chosen One. We will leave as soon as you feel strong enough. I will get everything ready.” Raighne turned around and was already heading for the door when I called him back.
“I am ready to leave now. I just need my clothes.” He turned to face me, shaking his head.
I ignored him completely; my mind was already set with what I had to do. “I’m going now - with or without you. There’s just one problem.” I paused, not knowing how to say this right.
“Jason is not going to leave willingly. I saw into his soul and he is not going to leave those birds. Not when he knows they’re going to die while he lives.” I looked at him in desperation.
“He will have to come, Alchera, even if we have to take him by force.”
I stared at him in shock. “I won’t allow any of these humans to suffer the heartache I have! We’re going to bring over animals anyway - why not bring over his as well?” The feelings stirring up inside of me were immense. I would fight for these people who were about to lose everything, as I’d lost everything…twice.
“The list has been made. It is not for us to decide.” Raighne was getting impatient with me now, but this was a fight I intended to win.
“Who decides?”
“The orders came down from Michael, himself.”
“Michael who?” I was ready to have it out with this guy. I’d had enough of orders. These were people’s lives they were playing with. I was stronger now. That was the one thing I’d gained from my time with Carter and Adeth. They had taught me how to endure, how to be strong and how to never give up.
I wanted my Chosen Ones to have as smooth a shift from Earth to Vaalbara as possible.
“I have given the list to Elora.” I turned toward the new voice in the room. I’d never looked upon a being like the one standing before me now. Somehow…I just knew he was an angel.
“Please forgive her,” Raighne said, to the power before us. “She does not know what she says; she’s still learning our ways.” Raighne’s voice was so full of respect and fear that I stole a glance at him. He was now on his knees - his head bowed in submission. I quickly did the same.
“I understand, child. I also understand your frustration and your feelings. You have lived among the humans and care for them deeply. It is only natural you would fight for them. After all, that was what we wanted.”
The ethereal being moved closer, and continued, “I am Michael. I am an Archangel of our Lord, the one you choose to call Awo. I am His messenger. Please ask the question burning inside of you, for this chance might only come once. We may never have the pleasure of meeting again.”
His voice was so beautiful it left me in a state of astonishment. I took a deep breath and looked at Raighne, but there was no help to be had from him. I kept my head down and tried to find the courage I knew was inside my soul. “Please…may we bring Jason’s animals? He loves those animals more than his own life. He will be coming to a foreign world and…” My words dried up. I didn’t know what else to say.
“You get one request. Only one. And you decide to plead for a human’s earthly animals? You are in so much pain and have a quest ahead of you that will require all the strength you can gather on your part, yet you think of another. You have no past and are in doubt of your own future. Your father faces certain death, but still you think of another.”
He took another step closer to me. I could now feel his presence surge through my soul. “I admire your goodness. I will notify Elora of the decision made on your request. All you need to do is focus on bringing the Ten Chosen Ones home. Beginning at dawn, you have only ten days left.”
The timeline was given. Michael was gone. And the ground trembled beneath me.
I bent forward to hide my tears.
“Oh…wow!” That was all Raighne could get out, making him sound human for the first time since I met him.
All I could think of was what Michael had said. Your father faces certain death. Certain death…words from the mouth of an angel. That meant he was going to die, didn’t it? Didn’t it?
I got up and wiped away my tears when Elora came bursting into the tent. Alandra followed her, with Aedan and Evin right behind. This was the first time I had the pleasure of meeting Aedan - who was Elora’s guardian and Evin’s twin brother. The only thing that helped me tell the twins apart was that Aedan looked older, as if somehow life had been harder on him.
Elora spoke calmly, “The Sixth Seal has been opened. I have been called to leave. My time has come.” Aedan moved to Elora’s side, and stared at her as if she was the oxygen he breathed. “Please tell me you had a vision.”
“Sixth Seal? What happened to the first five?” I gaped at her, truly terrified.
“They have been opened over the past few decades.” A frown adorned her perfect face. “It is in the holy book.”
I was so embarrassed. “I’ve never read your holy book.”
She nodded, yet her frown remained. “It is written in the book of Revelations. Other scrolls have them penned, as well. When the first seal was broken an Angel went out to conquer. That meant I had to go out and influence mankind in their greedy paths for power and money. War and destruction followed.” She looked at me to see if I was following her.
It seemed vaguely familiar. I remembered watching a movie once that talked about the seven signs.
“Do you understand now?”
I gave a slight nod.
“The rest of the Seals were opened one by one. The Second Seal was broken and that Angel sent me to take peace from Earth - leaving mankind to kill one another. All I had to do was have everyone focus on only themselves to become selfish. Hatred followed shortly after and war and crime spread over the world like wildfire. With the Third Seal, I had to help spread famine. Starvation soon followed, especially in Africa.” Her voice quieted. “It affected so many children. When the Fourth Seal was opened, people finally began to notice. Azrael, himself, came forth and all of Hell followed with him. He is the Angel of Death.”
She paused and took a deep breath; Aedan placed his arm around her for support. I could see how she drew strength from him. “I thought I would die myself. He used me like I was a puppet and he the puppet master. We killed a quarter of Earth with hunger and war. Sickness followed us wherever we went. That was when disease - incurable disease appeared. HIV/Aids came to pass. There have been so many illnesses. Even animals were being used as devices to kill. The Fifth Seal was opened and the souls of all those kil
led for believing in Awo called for retribution…for their murderers to be punished.”
I could see she was exhausted as she leaned into Aedan. It made me wonder how she was going to get through the rest. “Where do these ‘Seals’ come from? What’s the purpose of all this destruction?”
“The Seals come from Awo. The Seals, Trumpets, and Vials are there purely for the devastation and annihilation of all mankind - to repay them for what evil they have done. They have had so many warnings and visions that the end is coming. These last ten days will force people to bow before Awo. Those who do not accept Him will be doomed to spend the rest of eternity in the dark abyss.”
Everything she said filled me with fear. “Why would Awo do that to the humans? I thought He loved them. Isn’t that why He made Vaalbara for them? To save them from extinction?”
She nodded. “Yes. He loves them more than anything, but they have forgotten Him, replaced Him with others. Only the purest souls will come to Vaalbara. Earth will then be destroyed, but not before mankind has been reminded one final time that Awo is the Beginning and the End - the Alpha and the Omega. The One who gave them life is the One who will now take it away.”
“He sounds so harsh.”
Elora straightened her back. “Alchera, Awo gave them the Earth to look after and they have only been killing her. He gave them the animals to look after and they slaughtered them. Those were the first two commandments He gave them, to look after nature and animals, but they only destroyed and killed for their greed. Forests are gone; wetlands are destroyed.”
Elora shook her head in disappointment and her eyes lost their sparkle. “Dolphins and whales are seen as pests and killed by the hundreds. Animals are placed on endangered lists and only a handful of people care. Countries are at war while others look the other way. That is what the world has come to, pure selfishness and hatred.”
I had to agree with what she said. It was the truth, and I now understood better the reasoning behind everything. “I want to know what I would be up against while I’m on Earth gathering my Chosen Ones. You mentioned more Seals, Trumpets…Vials?” I was scared. I had no idea what I was going to have to face in order to save my humans.