Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows Read online

Page 17

  Elora reached out in front of her and weaved a pattern in the air with her fingertips. A gold scroll appeared, and she handed it to me.

  “Please tell me you had a vision?” She held on to my left hand.

  “Yes. I had my first vision. He—”

  Elora crushed my hand in her fierce grip. “Never tell anyone of your visions! You never know who could be listening. Just go and fetch the Chosen Ten and bring them back…as soon as you have them all together.” Her voice was filled with a sudden urgency. Aedan removed her hand from mine and before I could ask anything else, they disappeared before my eyes.

  I looked at Raighne in horror, allowing my eyes to speak the words I didn’t dare say out loud.

  “I will go get your clothes immediately.” He ran out of the tent, leaving me alone with a very confused Alandra and Evin.

  “So when do we leave, exactly?” Alandra’s sarcastic voice broke the silence.

  “We aren’t leaving. I’m not going anywhere with you.” I walked past her as straight as I could.

  Alandra reached out and grabbed my arm. Although a true warrior, her touch was almost…gentle. She spoke calmly, “As much as I do not like you, and as much as you do not like me, we do not have a choice. This is, unfortunately, my destiny. I have to make sure everybody stays alive.” She let go of me, giving me a slight push.

  “You two will have to learn to be civil to one another!” Evin’s voice bellowed through the room, silencing us both.

  Raighne froze in the doorway; two backpacks and a pile of clothes were bunched in his hands. He looked at me. “Now you have done it. He is the one who never shouts. You have upset him with your endless bickering which is, by the way, getting on my nerves as well.”

  Placing everything on the bed, he turned to us. “Make peace for ten days. You do not have to be the best of friends; we just want you to not kill each other. After everything is done you can go back to hating each other. How does that sound?” He smiled broadly, as if he had just come up with a plan to save the world. I looked at Alandra, who glared at me in return.

  “Just for ten days?” She didn’t once stop glaring at me.

  “Please,” Evin begged.

  “Fine by me.” Alandra shrugged and walked from the tent before I could utter a single word.


  I couldn’t sleep that night. We had decided to leave first thing in the morning after a good night’s rest, and here I was lying wide awake with burning eyes. I was thinking of my father out there with Adeth, and what Michael had said. Raighne had picked up on my fear and had tried to calm me, but he failed. I was surprised that I was still able to keep Raighne out of my mind, and that my barriers had grown stronger.

  Here I was, lying in bed with a shirtless Raighne beside me, thinking about the father I‘d just found. Was he going to die? Could I have stopped his death with one simple request? This was the one time I needed a vision - a hint of what was happening out there - but there was nothing.

  I suddenly heard a commotion outside the tent. It sounded like they’d returned! I threw Raighne’s arm off me and made for the door. I only got as far as the entrance when his arm reappeared and circled my waist.

  I should’ve been glad that I couldn’t run fast because the pain would’ve been outright unbearable then. I still couldn’t help sucking in my breath and waiting for the pain to ease.

  “I have hurt you!”

  This was it. I had to put my acting skills to the test again. “You just scared me! I ran away from him, ignoring the pain in my ribs.

  “I did not mean to…”

  With a smile and a wave of my hand I cut him short. “I heard men returning. Our dads might be back.”

  Taking my hand in his, Raighne led me carefully toward the warriors who’d set out with my father.

  I grabbed the one nearest to me. “Where is King Eryon?”

  “Peace be, Princess.” He bowed. “The King, Eamar, and Alder have chosen to go further on their own. We were instructed to return…against our will.”

  I walked away from him, trying to keep my posture as straight as possible. My last fragments of hope faded away, as the first light of sunrise colored the sky.

  The clock was ticking. I had ten days. It was time.


  As the sun rose higher in the sky, a feeling came over me - a horrible feeling that Michael’s words had come true.

  I stole a glance at Raighne sitting in the chair, his head bent slightly forward as he stared down at his blade. All I could think about was how happy I was that I’d managed to block him from my mind. He didn’t need to hear my thoughts. Not now. I couldn’t just stand here and wait around while my father may be meeting his death because of me.

  I flew from the tent and made a run for it. I sprinted as fast as I could; ignoring any pain my body was enduring. Nothing was more important than finding my father now. I headed in the direction my instincts told me to go. I heard Raighne behind me but I didn’t stop. I wanted my father. I needed my father.

  My ribs were aching something terrible and I was gasping for air. I wasn’t even a few meters into the forest when I caught sight of movement to my right. I saw Alder first as he came through the trees, and darted in his direction. But when Eamar appeared, I stumbled.

  He set my father’s body on the ground, and I staggered to his bloody side. “I am so sorry.” My voice broke as my heart shattered in my chest. “I let you die…this is all my fault.” I lifted my father’s head onto my lap and gently began to rock him. “I failed you in the end…for a bunch of strangers.”

  My lips quivered while I gently stroked his hair. “Dad…I let you die.”

  “You did not let him die, Alchera. It was his choice to go and fight. Adeth killed him, not you.” Eamar placed his large hand on my shoulder. “If it is anyone's fault, it is mine. But it was still a choice only he could have made.”

  I looked up at Eamar, shaking my head. “I could’ve asked for anything. Michael said I could’ve asked for anything! But I didn't think of my own father.” I began shouting. “What kind of daughter does that?!” I held my father tightly to my chest, shouting at the heavens. “This is not fair! You didn’t give me time to think. How could I choose? I would never just let him die! I want him back! Give him back to me!”

  “You need to calm down, child.” It was Alder’s worried voice, but I hardly cared.

  “I will not!” Something had finally snapped in me. It felt like Adeth had won.

  “Alchera?” It was Raighne’s gentle voice, but not even that mattered to me anymore. Nothing mattered anymore.

  My voice sounded cold and dead in my own ears. “They let my father die. They just…let him die.” I stood up, letting my father’s body slip from my arms. “They can go save their own precious Chosen Ones.”

  I looked down at my father one last time, and turned my back on all of them. Walking into the forest, the silent tears rolled down my cheeks - washing away what felt like the last of my humanity.


  The Chosen Ones

  Dreams and Visions.

  Nightmares and Demons.

  A world is torn apart.

  While another is said to start.

  So many people gone, now dead.

  The sun has turned to its infamous read.

  Only ten to be taken.

  For they are the only ones not forsaken.

  Chapter Eight

  Visions and Dreams

  I have had dreams before; I have had nightmares before.

  Neither could prepare me for what came next.

  I had once heard someone say you could die from emotional heartache. Well, I was waiting, watching my father’s funeral from the top of a hill. Everyone I knew was down there; some were crying while others just stared blankly ahead. One was a woman who fell to her knees as the casket was lowered. That caught my attention for a while.

  But only for a while.

  Elora and Alandra stood on either side of the wo
man. Your guess was as good as mine. Could she be my long lost mother who’d just not gotten around to seeing me yet?

  I blocked Raighne for the umpteenth time. Damn, the man was persistent. He’d been trying his telepathic skills non-stop since our last talk, which, by the way, had not gone down well.

  I thought about it often. I had also been thinking about the last three months, and how it had changed me. It had turned me into this hard, bitter person, but it had also made me stronger. I supposed it was what they wanted. Well, not the bitter part. Still, they had brought it on themselves. They’d pushed me too damn far.

  I regretted what I’d said to Raighne on that fateful day. But it was done now and I couldn’t turn back. I just wished I could stop thinking about it…thinking about him.

  Raighne had followed me into the woods that day. I suppose he thought he’d be able to talk some sense into me, but he was wrong. I remembered our conversation word for word. It was burned into my memory, as if it’d happened a second ago and not three days.


  “Alchera! Wait…please. We need to talk.” I swung around and he froze in his tracks. There was shock in his eyes, which pleased me a great deal.

  “This is not you. You are grief stricken over your father.”

  I practically bit his head off. “You’re wrong. I have gotten over those feelings back there, now I’m just pissed.” This was the last straw. “I can handle everybody messing with me, but taking out my father - letting him be killed him off like he was some worthless being, No! He was my father; he was your King!”

  Raighne wanted to say something, but I wouldn’t let him. “You don’t get to speak now! You don’t get to say anything now!” I walked right up to him, and I pressed myself against him, standing on my toes so I could look him in the eyes.

  “Do not follow me. You tell them back there. I’m finished with everyone and their ‘save the human race’ bullshit. I’m going back to Earth. Alone!” I took a step away. “Do. Not. Follow. Me.” I spat the words out one by one and turned my back on him for what I thought would be the last time.


  I was standing outside my tent like some escaped convict. Now was the only chance I would get to grab some fresh clothes, and wash up while everyone was still at the funeral.

  I snuck in fast. It felt wonderful to wear something clean after three days of hiding in filth. I washed in the basin, and quickly drew a brush through my hair. Thanks to Carter it only reached my shoulders now.

  I shrugged the memory away, packed a small bag, and grabbed my blade on the way out.

  I wished there was more time to look for something to eat, but it would be too risky. Usually the best time to sneak into camp was at night when everyone else was asleep. It was the only safe time to make sure I wasn’t seen and I wasn’t about to blow it now. It seems my family and friends had left me alone to cool off, waiting for me to come out on my own. Well, if they thought I was going to do that, they had another surprise coming their way today.

  I began to relax when I was a safe distance from camp and well on my way to the Virtutes waterfall. That was my gateway to leave this new Earth. It was supposed to have led me to a new life, but had only brought me heartache and pain.

  No! I will not feel sorry for myself. What happened was over and done with. In the past. Worse things had happened to other people.

  Yes, my broken arm and shattered ribs gave me intense pain. Yes, the stab wound in my leg was infected and hurt me with every step I took. But I was alive. After all that crap I was still alive, and a much stronger person after what I’d been through.

  So my biggest problem was getting off this planet or, whatever the hell it was, and as fast as possible. I had to think of a plan. How was I going to make the guards let me pass to Earth?

  I stood by the riverbank. The cool breeze felt good on my clammy skin. The water flowing over the rocks looked clear and sparkling in the heat of the day. It spilled playfully from one small pool into another. Walking toward the sound of rushing water, I reached the end of the stream and saw the Virtutes Falls. I looked down to where she ended in a big pool of water. It looked so inviting I wanted to jump in, clothes and all. Imagine the guards’ reaction to that one.

  I remembered the pool wasn’t as deep as it looked to be from up here. I also remembered that this was the waterfall from my very first vision, the one when I saw Raighne coming for me. The ironic part was it would also be the waterfall to take me away from him.

  Again, enough with the drama! My mind was a blank, and still I had no clue what I was going to say to these guards. Eventually I decided to just go to them and see if I wouldn’t be able to order my way through. That would be a first, me giving an order.

  As I approached the falls I could see movement behind the water up on the ledge. The youngest of the guards appeared first.

  “Peace be, Princess. How may I be of assistance today?” He bowed slightly, but still kept his eyes on me as if he already knew I was up to something.

  “Peace be. Please call me Alchera. I need to shift back to Earth and would appreciate your assistance in doing so.” The older guard appeared beside the younger.

  “Peace be. Pardon my intrusion, but should you not be at your father’s funeral?”

  “I was there; I’ve paid my respects. Now if you’re finished questioning me, I would like to pass through. This will be my first time doing this alone, so I would appreciate your guidance.” There was tension in my voice, as clear as a bell.

  The older guard moved down from the ledge and stood in front of me. I kept my head up, reminding myself that I was the Princess here. Surely the whole ‘royalty’ shtick had to count for something?

  “Of course I would not mind. Why is it you need to shift to Earth, my Princess?” He looked at me with worry and a touch of sadness in his eyes. I assumed the sadness was due to the loss of my father.

  “My business is my own and I’m in a hurry.” I added a smile to take the sting out of my words. I wished he would settle for that and not insist on a real reason. I looked around for the younger guard when I suddenly noticed he was gone.

  “If it is your wish.” The guard turned. “You will need to walk into the waterfall with your mind clear of all but your destination. If you think of anything else things could go terribly wrong. Please ensure your mind is cleared of all but your destination before you pass into the fall’s curtain.” He started to walk away from me. “May Awo guard you on your travels.”

  I stepped into the pool, wading my way through the water until I stood in front of the curtain of the Virtutes Falls. I concentrated on clearing my mind. My breathing slowed and I felt myself relaxing. I pictured my own Rainbow Falls in my mind’s eye, but just as I took a step forward, everything changed.

  I no longer saw my falls. I saw Jason.

  He was kneeling by a pond, screaming. He punched at the water while shouting obscenities. And then…I was in the curtain of the Virtutes.


  I was in the darkness, yet I knew my eyes were open and I was fully conscious. I was also no longer in the Virtutes pool; that much I knew.

  Reaching out, I touched the darkness. It was rough, coated with a layer of what felt like slime. I pushed myself away from it and immediately bobbed to a surface. Water. Water that truly tasted like crap.

  I wiped the disgusting water from my eyes and spat it from my mouth. Scanning the area, I noticed that I was standing in the shallow side of a big pond. To my left was a waterfall, with a large aviary located behind it.

  I must’ve came through the waterfall when I had the vision of Jason, although he was nowhere in sight. Getting out of the pond, I checked the aviary, but there was nothing in it…not even one tiny little bird.

  I walked out onto the other side of the property and spotted more cages. Their doors were open wide and I snuck closer, not sure of what I would find. Five dog kennels lay empty to my right, with no dogs anywhere in sight. Something was very wrong with this pictu

  Rounding the cages, I froze. In front of me was the same passageway from my first vision of Jason, but all the little cages were empty. I ran towards the house and slipped in the side door.

  My heart was in my throat. I could hear mumbling from somewhere inside the house. Eventually I found Jason in his kitchen, standing by the big cage where he had kept the two gray birds with red tails. His head was resting against the steel bars of the empty cage. His whole body convulsed with sobs of anguish and sorrow.

  There was no sign of the birds I’d seen him playing with in such a loving manner.

  He didn’t notice me at first. His face was wet with tears, as he muttered something about his birds, his koi, and his dogs. Just as I reached out to him, he turned.

  His body tensed. “Who are you? What do you want?” Surprisingly he spoke without an accent. He sounded American, like me.

  I dropped my hand to my side, not having a clue as to what to say. I hadn’t planned on coming here. What was I supposed to do now? Who was I supposed to be now? Aislinn? Alchera?

  “I am Raighne and she is Alchera. Please forgive us our intrusion. We would like a minute of your time, if you do not mind, sir?”

  I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of Raighne’s voice behind me. I didn’t turn - I kept my eyes on Jason who was looking at me as if I was something the cat dragged in.

  “You just walk into my house uninvited and now you want to talk to me?” He didn’t take his red-rimmed eyes off mine. I could see he didn’t trust the situation. But, then again, neither would I.

  “May she please use your bathroom?” Raighne shoved a bag at me.

  “Why even ask? I mean, I’m only the owner here. Normally people ask before they trespass on private property. But, hey, who am I to say anything?” I just stood there staring at Jason. I hadn’t expected him to be so sarcastic, after seeing all the ‘lovey-dovey’ stuff with his animals.